  After much digging around as to how to use the reiser4 compression
plugin I have found this message.

I'm using 2.6.15 + resier4 + metas patches.

I'm trying to set the default plugin to cryptcompress for a directory in
a r4 filesystem.

It seems that the plugins/regular is thought to be a directory when I 
echo "cryptcompress\0" >|plugins/regular

Trying various combinations of things inside regular/ like echoing into
label etc don't seem to have an effect when read back again.

It seems from the below link and grepping the 2.6.15 reiser4 patch that
echoing "cryptcompress" >| mydir/..../plugins/regular/label
should make new files in mydir use the cryptcompress plugin by defualt.

The info like http://www.namesys.com/cryptcompress_design.html seems to
be targetted toward developers rather than users. Are there any
references or logs of command line interactions to enable and tweak
compression/crypto aimed at end user consumption?

Also from what I've seem a 
sed s/metas/..../g 
might be in order for

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