Clay Barnes wrote:

>I have been thinking lately that though we certainly need to do 
>cleanup of the various bugs and such relating to the storage layer,
>perhaps now is a good time to review and discuss the plans for the
>semantic layer so that any outstanding concerns can be thouroughly
>discussed and resolved before we get close to time to start with actual
>work on that portion of Reiser4.  Remember, we have a real chance at
>being the first semantic storage system with a significant user base,
>and that places a terrible pressure for perfection on us (and I use 'us'
>loosely, since I don't have nearly the code skills in C needed to dare
>touch source in non-trivial ways---I hope however that between my CS and
>Linguistics degrees, I'll be able to at least contribute some ideas).
>If we're first out of the gate, but we have some significant flaw in
>design, we're deeply endangered.  People will wait for our correction of
>it (which may be impossible if it's a fundamental or debated problem),
>or for another system that has less critical flaws.
>These are my cricial concerns.  I know some of these have been addressed
>before, but this keeps anything from being skipped under the assumption
>that they've already been resolved.
>1) Scope
>  a) Should the semantic content of files be purely user-defined?

>  b) Should the full extricable content of a file be read into semantic
>  space?
If the user wants that.   The user should configure his auto-indexer
that he has selected to work as he desires and to be applied to those
files he desires to.  By default there should be a delay (such as, until
the repacker runs at night) in indexing to ensure that we only index
that which will be around for a while.  This is for performance reasons.

>  c) If so, should there be a seperation of the two forms of content?
>  d) How would we address the two in a simple, user-transparent way?
>2) Storage
>  a) How do we store the semantic data so it is very rapidly accessable
>  and easy to update, especially if we decide to use the full textual
>  contentent of parsabe file?
>3) Changes
>  a) Should we instantly index at full capacity changes, or should we
>  queue files needing re-indexing for a very low resource daemon to
>  process?
>  b) If we use the latter, how do we avoid disagreement between newly
>  changed/created files and the semanic actions regarding them while the
>  daemon works?
>  c) If we use the former, how do we mimize the impact of this sudden
>  spike in resources to the user without risking letting the index and
>  data get out of sync.
>4) Portability
>  a) Should we provide a way to export semantic data when archiving to
>  formats which standards prevent from using Reiser4 (such as DVD)?
>  b) How do we handle exports from a partial filesystem, if we decide to
>  provide export capabilities?
>  c) Should we provide the ability to import from compeating semantic
>  systems?  Export?
>5) Code revisions
>  a) With emerging formats, updates to formats and the numerous ways
>  file standard change, how do we provide easy addition and updates to
>  the filters we use to index files?
>  b) Should we provide a simple user-editable means to change/augment
>  filters?
>  c) Can these both be resolved by placing the actual filters in
>  userspace/filesystemspace instead of into the code?
>I hope I haven't overstepped my relevance, and my apologies if I have,
>but I just wanted to raise some concerns while they are easy to
>address---before the code is started.
>Further disclaimer:  I'm at work, so I may have been a little hasty
>writing this (though technically, I'm *supposed* to be reasearching
>semantic storage systems for our documents, so I'm not really goofing
>off), so there may be errors from my minimal review/revision.

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