
On Fri, 2006-07-21 at 10:09 +1000, Joel Heenan wrote:
> Hi,
> I can home about two weeks ago and found my media box locked up. I was
> able to discover that it had filled up its /dev/md2 partition (mounted
> on /home) which surprised me because it is 550 gigs. Perhaps mythtv
> went nuts and used it all up. It was only a temporary thing I was
> going to move mythtv to another partition anyway and boy I wish I had
> now :-P.
> Anyway I rebooted and the fsck said I had to run rebuild-tree. So I
> ran that and a few days later it said "out of disk space, aborted". I
> can't mount the partition it says "No folder found I believe". I tried
> it a few times with both the reiserfsprogs from etch:
> ii  reiserfsprogs                    3.6.19-2
> User-level tools for ReiserFS filesystems
> and the latest ones downloaded from the website (3.6.19). I am
> currently trying it with the -S option.
there is no need to use -S in your case.

> I'm running a custom 2.6.12 kernel which is basically the same as the
> default debian one except it includes some drivers for my dvico fusion
> tv tuner.
> I read that the best way to fix this problem is to dd to a bigger
> partition but there is really no easy way for me to do that - it will
> probably involve me purchasing 2x300gig partitions, raiding them, then
> performing the restore.
> Please let me know if there is a way I can fix this without going to a
> bigger partition.
> Here is output of the fsck:
> """
> fsck.reiserfs --rebuild-tree /dev/md2
> reiserfsck 3.6.19 (2003 www.namesys.com)
> *************************************************************
> ** Do not  run  the  program  with  --rebuild-tree  unless **
> ** something is broken and MAKE A BACKUP  before using it. **
> ** If you have bad sectors on a drive  it is usually a bad **
> ** idea to continue using it. Then you probably should get **
> ** a working hard drive, copy the file system from the bad **
> ** drive  to the good one -- dd_rescue is  a good tool for **
> ** that -- and only then run this program.                 **
> ** If you are using the latest reiserfsprogs and  it fails **
> ** please  email bug reports to reiserfs-list@namesys.com, **
> ** providing  as  much  information  as  possible --  your **
> ** hardware,  kernel,  patches,  settings,  all reiserfsck **
> ** messages  (including version),  the reiserfsck logfile, **
> ** check  the  syslog file  for  any  related information. **
> ** If you would like advice on using this program, support **
> ** is available  for $25 at  www.namesys.com/support.html. **
> *************************************************************
> Will rebuild the filesystem (/dev/md2) tree
> Will put log info to 'stdout'
> Do you want to run this program?[N/Yes] (note need to type Yes if you do):Yes
> Replaying journal..
> Reiserfs journal '/dev/md2' in blocks [18..8211]: 0 transactions replayed
> ###########
> reiserfsck --rebuild-tree started at Mon Jul 17 21:41:44 2006
> ###########
> Pass 0:
> ####### Pass 0 #######
> Loading on-disk bitmap .. ok, 116676032 blocks marked used
> Skipping 11771 blocks (super block, journal, bitmaps) 116664261 blocks
> will be read
> 0%....20%....block 85875092: The number of items (256) is incorrect,
> should be (1) - corrected
> block 85875092: The free space (1) is incorrect, should be (208) - corrected
> pass0: vpf-10110: block 85875092, item (0): Unknown item type found
> [33488896 65537 0x100 ??? (15)] - deleted
>                                                    left 0, 15065 /seccseccccc
> 108413 directory entries were hashed with "r5" hash.
>         "r5" hash is selected
> Flushing..finished
>         Read blocks (but not data blocks) 116664261
>                 Leaves among those 87768646
>                         - leaves all contents of which could not be
> saved and deleted 1
>                 Objectids found 108417
> Pass 1 (will try to insert 87768645 leaves):
> ####### Pass 1 #######
> Looking for allocable blocks .. finished
> 0%....20%....40%..Not enough allocable blocks, checking bitmap...there
> are 1 allocable blocks, btw

I am working on a fix for this problem. But the above output looks

What kind of files are there, would you describe?
Are they long? Did you mount reiserfs with any options?
Can you give me ssh access to the filesystem so that I could take a look
at it myself?

> out of disk space
> Aborted
> """

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