Mike Benoit wrote:

code. Even just compressing that small portion though I could probably
save between 5-10GB. The difference is though I can do a df before, and
a df after, and I can instantly see I got my moneys worth. Same with

In the case of encryption, it's also got competition. There are two FUSE filesystems that do crypto, and there's cryptoloop/dm-crypt, which you need anyway for encrypted swap.

True, it's nowhere near as nice, but it is functional. You would think one of these would be easier to develop to where it's useful. And if you're encrypting it, you're already accepting a performance hit.

So again, the Reiser4 advantage here is all speed.


Of course they are, or they wouldn't use FUSE.

But if that's really true, why wouldn't a FUSE driver help you?

Most of those FUSE file systems you linked to scare me. This is from the
APFS web page:

I have lost all my data! How do I get it back?
From the backup, obviously."

To be fair, that's what you get from any FS.

But how hard would it be to make a FUSE filesystem work properly? How hard would it be to get a Reiser4 plugin to work properly?

FUSE is great, but can it even come close to matching the performance of
in-kernel file systems?

Performance again!

Not only that, but if you want to compress a
directory you have to go through about a 12 step process of moving the
files, setting up a mount point, and moving the files back.

You listed 3 steps. Besides, I don't see anything stopping you from modifying one of these to selectively compress things, the way Reiser4 would. So, put your entire FS under a FUSE system, then configure which directories you want compressed.

Again, the drawback is huge gobs of performance. It just seems natural to use the repacker if you're going to use any Reiser4-based replacement for these.

You could, and we did charge by the megabyte, only after they exceeded
the limit of their package. However web hosting is a fiercely
competitive market, so we were constantly adjusting our packages to
include more disk space, more bandwidth, more features for the same
amount, or lower prices, just to compete. The way many "shared hosting"
companies work is each server is waaay over sold, at least in the disk

Ah, so I guess the advantage of a more expensive, dedicated box is that you know no one's overselling it?

Personally, I get a little sick of the insane amounts of overselling that happen -- you just know it's going to come back and bite you in the ass. This is happening right now with bandwidth, and overselling is pretty much solely responsible for the whole Net Neutrality mess -- it would be a complete non-issue if "5 megabits to your house!!!!!" was backed up by an actual 5 megabits reserved for me, or if they sold them as "2-5 megabits", where 2 is guaranteed, and 5 is what you get when no one else is using it.

I'm a bit skeptical of my local ISP's Fiber To The Home initiative, because I can't imagine they have enough spare upstream bandwidth just lying around.

I mean, if you actually have enough bandwidth, you don't want or need your ISP to do QoS or prioritizing for you -- you can just do it yourself. Personally, ssh packets would be of a much higher priority to me than anything else...

Thats pretty much the only way you make money with $10-20/month

Yeah, I know, hard for an honest guy to compete...

I don't doubt the benefits of the repacker, but from a business
perspective the repacker is something that runs transparently in the
background, once you install it, things magically speed up then you
never hear from it again as it does its job. Out of sight, out of mind.
Whereas the compression/encryption plugin are always in your face, every
time you run df, or enter a passphrase to gain access to your files, you
know its there and working. Its something you'll tell your friends
about. After you first run it, the repacker just fades away in to the
background and you forget about it.

Ah. This might explain the success of things like Ruby On Rails. Once it's done, the insane amount of CPU required to run a high-level interpreted language (versus even something semi-interpreted like perl) is out of sight, out of mind. But when you first set it up, the savings in development time are immediately obvious, in your face.

Although I would want to find a way to avoid typing a passphrase every time -- maybe keep the key on a USB keychain. Passphrases would just annoy users. Unless, of course, you could tie it to logon -- assuming you can actually change the passphrase later...

Charging only for commercial use of the repacker/compression/encryption
plugin would be a great middle ground.

Good, I'm glad it wasn't a completely insane idea.

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