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Chris Witham wrote:
> I have a hard drive which has failed.  I posted about it here[1], and
> was referred to ddrescue[2] to create an image of the failed disk.
> This was successful, and I now have an image of the drive, including
> the 1688 bad sectors that couldn't be read.  The logfile lists all the
> the bad sectors, and I was referred to these[3] instructions to
> convert the bad sector numbers into filenames that are corrupted.
> Unfortunately, those instructions involve debugfs, which is
> ext2/ext3-specific.  What little information I was able to find online
> about the icheck and ncheck commands used in the instructions and
> ReiserFS has led me to either complaints that they are not implemented
> for ReiserFS, or some variant of a post[4] to this mailing list that
> suggests using 'find / -type f -exec cat {} > /dev/null \;' at
> watching for the filenames that fail.
> That seems like a complete brute force method (scanning over 110GB to
> locate 800kB of bad data!), and will almost certainly return
> inaccurate results because the drive is continuing to fail and will
> return more problems than it experienced initially when the drive
> image was made.  (Not to mention stress the disk further and make any
> more work I may need to do on it more difficult.)
> Is there any way to do the equivalent of icheck or ncheck in ReiserFS?
> If not now, are there plans to implement this functionality anytime
> soon?

I'm afraid the icheck/ncheck way of doing things isn't much less
brute-force, it's just hidden from you. You could do what you're looking
for with a perl script that parses the debugreiserfs output.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I don't think there are any plans to implement
what you're asking for.  We accept patches. :)

- -Jeff

- --
Jeff Mahoney
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