strategie per la comunicazione indipendente

da Adnane. dalla lista multitudes
> From Globalise Resistance. Please distribute this as widely as possible.
> At least 13 Egyptian activists against the war on Iraq have been
> arrested. Some, and perhaps all, are being tortured. We have received a
> plea for solidarity from a broad range of anti-war and human rights
> groups in Egypt, asking us to protest to the Egyptian embassy in each of
> our countries, and to the Egyptian government.  
> For further information, or to register support, contact Jonathan Neale
> of Globalise Resistance at [EMAIL PROTECTED], or by phone on 44
> (0)7986-220641. The phone number of the Egyptian embassy in London is
> 0207-499-2401. Speed is of the essence.
> The appeal from Egypt reads in part:
> "On the 18th of January State Security Police arrested 11 activists
> participating in an anti-war demonstration in Cairo. In the dawn of the
> 8thof February they arrested and issued an order of detention for
> Ibrahim El Sahari, Journalist at El Alam El Yom, founding member of
> Center for Socialist Studies and prominent activist in the Egyptian
> antiwar movement. On 9 Feb, at 2 p.m., they arrested another antiwar
> activist, Sabri El Sammak, director of production at Aflam Misr El
> Alameya, the production company of Egyptian filmmaker Youssef Chahine.
> "A vicious war is about to hit the region causing a damage whose
> proportions no one can fully predict. It is the people of the region who
> are going to pay for this war. In those black moments of history the
> least the peoples of the world can do, and the Egyptian people are no
> exception, is to raise their voices against that war and the interests
> it serves. 
> "We demand the immediate release of our detained colleagues and to stop
> the harassment of the Egyptian solidarity movements, which are
> exercising their legitimate right in collective peaceful expression, a
> fact supported by the recent court order which rejected the government's
> decision to ban the organization of peaceful demonstrations protesting
> war against Iraq. 
> "Please protest to: 
> President Hosni Mubarak, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt 
> Telex: 93794 WAZRA UN 
> Telegram: President of the Republic, Cairo, Egypt 
> Fax: + 202 390 1998 
> And to General Habib al-'Adeli, Ministry of the Interior 
> Telegram: Minister Interior, Cairo, Egypt 
> Fax: + 202 579 2031 
> And to diplomatic representatives of Egypt accredited to your 
> country."
> The appeal is signed by:
> - The Egyptian Popular Committee in Solidarity with the Intifada 
> - The Egyptian Popular Committee against the aggression against Iraq 
> and in Solidarity with Palestine 
> - The Egyptian Group Against Globalization (AGEG) 
> - The General Egyptian Committee for Boycott 
> - The Egyptian Social Democratic Center 
> - Center for Trade Union and Workers' Services 
> - Center for Socialist Studies 
> - Justice Center for Political and Social Studies 
> - El Nadim Center for victims of Violence 
> - Human Rights Center for Prisoners 
> - Hisham Mubarak Law Center 
> - Center for Arab World Media (Sa'ed) 
> - The National Committee for Prisoners of Conscience and Freedom of 
> Expression 
>      .
>      .
> m u l t i t u d e s - i n f o s
> ................................
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