strategie per la comunicazione indipendente

> Slouching Toward Baghdad
> by Mike Davis
> ZNet
> February 28, 2003
> Imperial Washington, like Berlin in the late 1930s, has become a
> psychedelic capital where one megalomaniacal hallucination succeeds
> another. Thus, in addition to creating a new geopolitical order in
> the Middle East, we are now told by the Pentagon's deepest thinkers
> that the invasion of Iraq will also inaugurate "the most important
> 'revolution in military affairs' (or RMA) in two hundred years."
> According to Admiral William Owen, a chief theorist of the
> revolution, the first Gulf War was "not a new kind of war, but the
> last of the old ones." Likewise, the air wars in Kosovo and
> Afghanistan were only pale previews of the postmodern blitzkrieg that
> will be unleashed against the Baathist regime. Instead of old-
> fashioned sequential battles, we are promised nonlinear "shock and
> awe."
> Although the news media will undoubtedly focus on the sci-fi gadgetry
> involved - thermobaric bombs, microwave weapons, unmanned aerial
> vehicles (UAVs), PackBot robots, Stryker fighting vehicles, and so on
> - the truly radical innovations (or so the war wonks claim) will be
> in the organization and, indeed, the very concept of the war.
> In the bizarre argot of the Pentagon's Office of Force Transformation
> (the nerve center of the revolution), a new kind of "warfighting
> ecosystem" known as "network centric warfare" (or NCW) is slouching
> toward Baghdad to be born. Promoted by military futurists as a
> "minimalist" form of warfare that spares lives by replacing attrition
> with precision, NCW may in fact be the inevitable road to nuclear war.
> Military "revolutions" based on new technology, of course, have come
> and gone since air-power fanatics like Giulio Douhet, Billy Mitchell,
> and Hugh Trenchard first proclaimed the obsolescence of traditional
> armies and battleship navies in the early 1920s. This time, however,
> the superweapon isn't a long-distance bomber or nightmare H-bomb but
> the ordinary PC and its ability, via the Internet, to generate
> virtual organization in the "battlespace" as well as the marketplace.
> Like all good revolutionaries, the Pentagon advocates of RMA/ NCW are
> responding to the rot and crisis of an ancien regime. Although Gulf
> War I was publicly celebrated as a flawless victory of technology and
> alliance politics, the real story was vicious infighting among
> American commanders and potentially disastrous breakdowns in
> decision-making. Proponents of high- tech warfare, like the 'smart
> bomb' attacks on Baghdad's infrastructure, clashed bitterly with
> heavy-metal traditionalists, while frustrated battlefield CEO Norman
> Schwarzkopf threw stupefying tantrums.
> The battles continued back in the Pentagon where the revolutionaries
> -- mostly geekish colonels bunkered in a series of black-box think
> tanks -- found a powerful protector in Andrew Marshall, the venerable
> head of research and technology assessment. In 1993, Marshall - a
> guru to both Dick Cheney and leading Democrats - provided the
> incoming Clinton administration with a working paper that warned that
> Cold War weapons "platforms" like Nimitz-class aircraft carriers and
> heavy tank battle groups were becoming obsolete in face of precision
> weapons and cruise missiles.
> Marshall instead proselytized for cheaper, quicker, smarter weapons
> that took full advantage of American leadership in information
> technology. He warned, however, that "by perfecting these precision
> weapons, America is forcing its enemies to rely on terrorist
> activities that are difficult to target." He cast doubt on the
> ability of the Pentagon's fossilized command hierarchies to adapt to
> the challenges of so-called "asymmetric warfare."
> The revolutionaries went even further, preaching that the potentials
> of 21st century war-making technology were being squandered within
> 19th century military bureaucracies. The new military forces of
> production were straining to break out of their archaic relations of
> production. They viciously compared the Pentagon to one of the "old
> economy" corporations -- "hardwired, dumb and top-heavy" -- that were
> being driven into extinction in the contemporary "new economy"
> marketplace.
> Their alternative? Wal-Mart, the Arkansas-based retail leviathan. It
> may seem odd, to say the least, to nominate a chain store that
> peddles cornflakes, jeans and motor oil as the model for a leaner,
> meaner Pentagon, but Marshall's think-tankers were only following in
> the footsteps of management theorists who had already beatified
> Wal-Mart as the essence of a "self-synchronized distributed network
> with real-time transactional awareness." Translated, this means that
> the stores' cash registers automatically transmit sales data to
> Wal-Mart's suppliers and that inventory is managed through
> 'horizontal' networks rather than through a traditional head-office
> hierarchy.
> "We're trying to do the equivalent in the military," wrote the
> authors of Network Centric Warfare: developing and leveraging
> information superiority, the 1998 manifesto of the RMA/NCW camp that
> footnotes Wal-Mart annual reports in its bibliography. In
> "battlespace," mobile military actors (ranging from computer hackers
> to stealth bomber pilots) would be the counterparts of Wal-Mart's
> intelligent salespoints.
> Instead of depending on hardcopy orders and ponderous chains of
> commands, they would establish "virtual collaborations" (regardless
> of service branch) to concentrate overpowering violence on precisely
> delineated targets. Command structures would be "flattened" to a
> handful of generals, assisted by computerized decision-making aides,
> in egalitarian dialogue with their "shooters.'"
> The iconic image, of course, is the Special Forces op in Pathan drag
> using his laptop to summon air strikes on a Taliban position that
> another op is highlighting with his laser designator. To NCW gurus,
> however, this is still fairly primitive Gunga Din stuff. They would
> prefer to "swarm" the enemy terrain with locust-like myriads of
> miniaturized robot sensors and tiny flying video cams whose
> information would be fused together in a single panopticon picture
> shared by ordinary grunts in their fighting vehicles as well as by
> four-star generals in their Qatar or Florida command posts.
> Inversely, as American "battlespace awareness" is exponentially
> increased by networked sensors, it becomes ever more important to
> blind opponents by precision air strikes on their equivalent (but
> outdated) "command and control" infrastructures. This necessarily
> means a ruthless takeout of civilian telecommunications, power grids,
> and highway nodes: all the better, in the Pentagon view, to allow
> American psy-op units to propagandize, or, if necessary, terrorize
> the population.
> Critics of RMA/NCW have compared it to a millennial cult, analogous
> to bible-thumping fundamentalism or, for that matter, to Al Queda.
> Indeed, reading ecstatic descriptions of how "Metcalfe's Law"
> guarantees increases of "network power proportional to the square of
> the number of nodes,'" one wonders what the wonks are smoking in
> their Pentagon basement offices. (Marshall, incidentally, advocates
> using behavior-modifying drugs to create Terminator-like
> 'bioengineered soldiers.')
> Their most outrageous claim is that Clausewitz's famous "fog of war"
> -- the chaos and contingency of the battlefield -- can be dispelled
> by enough sensors, networks, and smart weapons. Thus vice-admiral
> Arthur Cebrowski, the Pentagon director for "force transformation,"
> hallucinates that "in only a few years, if the the technological
> capabilities of America's enemies remain only what they are today,
> the US military could effectively achieve total "battlespace
> knowledge."
> Donald Rumsfeld, like Dick Cheney (but unlike Colin Powell), is a
> notorious addict of RNA/NCW fantasies (already enshrined as official
> doctrine by the Clinton administration in 1998). By opening the
> floodgates to a huge military budget (almost equal to the rest of the
> world's military spending combined), 9.11 allowed Rumsfeld to go
> ahead with the revolution while buying off the reactionaries with
> funding for their baroque weapons systems, including three competing
> versions of a new tactical fighter. The cost of the compromise -
> which most Democrats have also endorsed - will be paid for by
> slashing federal spending on education, healthcare, and local
> government.
> A second Iraq war, in the eyes of the RNA/NCW zealots, is the
> inevitable theater for demonstrating to the rest of the world that
> America's military superiority is now unprecedented and unduplicable.
> Haunted by the 1993 catastrophe in Mogadishu, when poorly armed
> Somali militia defeated the Pentagon's most elite troops, the war
> wonks have to show that networked technology can now prevail in
> labyrinthine street warfare. To this end, they are counting on the
> combination of battlefield omniscience, smart bombs, and new weapons
> like microwave pulses and nausea gases to drive Baghdadis out of
> their homes and bunkers. The use of "non-lethal" (sic) weapons
> against civilian populations, especially in light of the horror of
> what happened during the Moscow hostage crisis last October, is a war
> crime waiting to happen.
> But what if the RNA/NCW's Second Coming of Warfare doesn't arrive as
> punctually promised? What happens if the Iraqis or future enemies
> find ways to foil the swarming sensors, the night- visioned Special
> Forces, the little stair-climbing robots, the missile-armed drones?
> Indeed, what if some North Korean cyberwar squad (or, for that
> matter, a fifteen-year-old hacker in Des Moines) manages to crash the
> Pentagon's "system of systems" behind its battlespace panopticon?
> If the American war-fighting networks begin to unravel (as partially
> occurred in February 1991), the new paradigm - with its "just in
> time" logistics and its small "battlefield footprint" - leaves little
> backup in terms of traditional military reserves. This is one reason
> why the Rumsfeld Pentagon takes every opportunity to rattle its
> nuclear saber.
> Just as precision munitions have resurrected all the mad omnipotent
> visions of yesterday's strategic bombers, RNA/NCW is giving new life
> to monstrous fantasies of functionally integrating tactical nukes
> into the electronic battlespace. The United States, it should never
> be forgotten, fought the Cold War with the permanent threat of "first
> use" of nuclear weapons against a Soviet conventional attack. Now the
> threshold has been lowered to Iraqi gas attacks, North Korean missile
> launches, or, even, retaliation for future terrorist attacks on
> American city.
> For all the geekspeak about networks and ecosystems, and millenarian
> boasting about minimal, robotic warfare, the United States is
> becoming a terror state pure and simple: a 21st century Assyria with
> laptops and modems.
> Mike Davis is the author of City of Quartz, Ecology of Fear, and most
> recently, Dead Cities, among other works. He now lives in San Diego.
> [This article first appeared on http://www.tomdispatch.com, a weblog
> of the Nation Institute, which offers a steady flow of alternate
> sources, news and opinion from Tom Engelhardt, long time editor in
> publishing and author of The End of Victory Culture.]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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