cari rikombinanti,
Il Congresso USA ha pubblicato il porprio rapporto sui fatti dell 11 Settembre 2001. Due inquietatnti conclusioni emergono:
- FBI e CIA in realtà sapevano ben di più sulle attività dei terroristi rispetto a quanto ammesso.
- In qualche modo l'Arabia Saudita giocò un ruolo determinante nell'intera faccenda.

La trama si rivela sempre di più e sono avvalorate le tesi fin qua proposte (Sbancor in primis).


ps: il report lo trovate al seguente URL
Buona lettura!

Financial Times

September 11 report raises Saudi question
By Marianne Brun-Rovet and Edward Alden in Washington
Published: July 24 2003 16:17 | Last Updated: July 25 2003 1:44

The September 11 hijackers received foreign-government support while they were in the US plotting the attacks on New York and Washington, the leader of a congressional inquiry charged on Thursday.

The conclusion, which is hinted at in the declassified parts of the inquiry's 900-page report released on Thursday, will raise new questions about the role of Saudi Arabia in particular. The Bush administration insisted on deleting a 28-page section focusing on the link to foreign governments.

Senator Bob Graham, the former Democratic intelligence committee chairman who led the investigation, said the hijackers "received, during most of this time [in the US], significant assistance from a foreign government which further facilitated their ability to be so lethal". He would not identify the government.

But he accused the Bush administration of refusing to release the information "to protect the country or countries . . . providing direct assistance to some of the hijackers".

The report also contains new evidence that US intelligence agencies and the Federal Bureau of Investigation knew far more about some of the hijackers' activities than has been revealed.

While the administration has insisted that the plot could not have been unravelled from the information available, a congressional official said: "There was no smoking gun in the sense of all the details and the specifics in one piece of intelligence . . . But that is not the same as saying that this attack could not have been prevented."

Despite the deletions demanded by the administration, the report contains evidence indicating the Saudis may have been linked to supporters of the September 11 hijackers. It focuses on Omar al-Bayoumi, who some in the FBI believed to be a Saudi intelligence agent. The Saudi government has denied the allegation.

Mr Bayoumi played a vital role in establishing Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, two of the hijackers, when they arrived in the US. US intelligence agencies knew as early as 1999 that the two were linked with al-Qaeda and had attended a CIA-monitored meeting of the terror network in Malaysia in 2000. Mr Bayoumi met the pair in Los Angeles after leaving a meeting at the Saudi consulate.

Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador to the US, said on Thursday that the country was facing "false accusations . . . made by some for political purposes" despite its co-operation in the war on terrorism. "It is disappointing that despite everything we are doing, outrageous charges continue."

The report revealed the FBI had recruited an informant in San Diego who met Mr Hazmi and Mr Mihdhar, but did not act on his information because the CIA had not told it of the pair's suspected links to al-Qaeda.

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