
                 Summary: queuing system for multi processors is not well
                 Project: relax
            Submitted by: tlinnet
            Submitted on: Wed 27 May 2015 12:10:57 AM UTC
                Category: relax's source code
Specific analysis category: None
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
         Originator Name: 
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
                 Release: Repository: trunk
         Discussion Lock: Any
        Operating System: All systems



There queuing system for multi processors appears not to be designed well.

This has been detected in dispersion analysis.
A clustered fit of 74 spins, doing 100 monte carlo simulations.

The test has been where a number of multi processors is 10, with 1 CPU as

The problem seems to reside in:

The current queuing system will take the 100 monte carlo simulations, and
chunk them up in pieces of 10, and distribute each of these chunks to each

Each CPU thus have 10 simulations to handle.

The problem is, that not each simulations is equally fast to be solved.
Thus, a CPU will "hang" until all simulations has finished.
This will "block" the possibility to assign CPU power for other tasks, until
all simulations has finished.

A suggestion for a "first" fix, is not to chunk up the queue, 
but let each simulation be handled independently.

In multi/processor.py
-        lqueue = self.chunk_queue(self.command_queue)
-        self.run_command_queue(lqueue)
+        #lqueue = self.chunk_queue(self.command_queue)
+        self.run_command_queue(self.command_queue)

This does seem to improve the timing much, but give a better overview in the

It appears that the queuing system can even be enhanced more.
The list of "Running set" is not replenished before all jobs in "Running set"
is completed.

This influences the solving time.

Only 20 monte carlo simulations is runned for comparison.
/usr/bin/time -p relax_multi bug.py

The running time for 1 CPU, no multi processor:
real 510.94
user 5903.01
sys 133.96

The running time for 1 CPU, 4 multi processor:
real 214.89
user 1786.39
sys 37.09

The running time for 1 CPU, 10 multi processor:
real 108.39
user 1930.21
sys 44.45

The running time for 1 CPU, 4 multi processor with first fix:
real 235.46
user 1892.20
sys 38.58

The running time for 1 CPU, 10 multi processor with first fix
real 110.50
user 1957.99
sys 43.60


File Attachments:

Date: Wed 27 May 2015 12:10:57 AM UTC  Name: bug.bz2  Size: 301kB   By:



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