Hi Daniel

Calculations for the reduced spectral density mapping need only the R1,
R2 and NOE at one field. R1, R2 and NOE are 3 variables you measure and
you extract 3 parameters from them. This is only a simple calculation
using in relax the equations that follow :

j0 = -1.5 / (3.0*d + c) * (0.5*r1 - r2 + 0.6*sigma_noe)
jwx = 1.0 / (3.0*d + c) * (r1 - 1.4*sigma_noe)
jwh = sigma_noe / (5.0*d)

where j0, jwx and jwh are, respectively, the spectral density at the
zero frequency, at the nitrogen frequency (in the special case where you
work with 15N relaxation) and at the apparent proton frequency
(sometimes called J(wH) or J(0.87wH) ).

The other constants and variables are :

c = CSA constant
d = dipolar constant
sigma_noe = cross-relaxation rate (calculated using NOE and R1)

That said, you can extract spectral densities using data from different
magnetic fields at the same time. This only changes the obtained value
for J(0), as J(wN) and J(wH) are field dependent... For example, if you
have data at three fields, you would get 1 value for J(0), 3 values for
J(wN) and 3 values for J(wH). This approach is not yet implemented in
relax, but it could be something useful. In fact, it's something I
personally would like to contribute when I have time, maybe this fall...

However, calculating J(0) using different fields in separated
calculations is something useful you may want to do prior to any
calculation using multiple field data. The reason is that J(0) should be
field independent, in cases where us-ms motions (Rex in the model-free
language) are not present. Thus, calculating J(0) helps you assess the
quality of your data. This is quite important as different factors may
influence the consistency of your data acquired at different magnetic

A part of relax is specially designed to do 3 different consistency
tests : J(0), Fn and FR2. Those consistency tests are implemented in a
special branch of relax which contains, apart from that, all the same
functions. A sample script is also available as for other functions
within relax. You can get that version of the program with svn by typing :

svn co http://svn.gna.org/svn/relax/branches/consistency_tests_1.2/ .

Some of the topics in that mail were already discussed some time ago...

You can find useful information on reduced spectral density mapping by
reading the following post :


Also, some interesting information on consistency tests is available at :


I hope this helps you out !!


Sébastien  :)

Daniel Perez wrote:
> Hi Ed,
> Basic question,
> relax only consider the relaxation data from one field to calculate the 
> reduced spectra density mapping at three frequencies. Shouldn't one use 
> at least three independent data sets (three fields) to calculate these 
> three parameters.
> Best Regards
> Daniel
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>> Today's Topics:
>>    1. Re: Reduced spectral density mapping (Edward d'Auvergne)
>>    2. Re: Convergence on different systems (Edward d'Auvergne)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 01:50:45 +1100
>> From: "Edward d'Auvergne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: Reduced spectral density mapping
>> To: "Sebastien Morin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Cc: relax-users@gna.org
>> Message-ID:
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; format=flowed
>> Hi,
>> Reduced spectral density mapping is a direct calculation of the
>> spectral density values, there is no optimisation.  The only part
>> where optimisation could be used, but is not necessary, is in the
>> calculation of the single J(0) value using data at multiple field
>> strengths.  See Kroenke et al., 1999 for details (Kroenke, C. D.,
>> Rance, M. and Palmer, A. G. (1999). Variability of the 15N chemical
>> shift anisotropy in Escherichia coli ribonuclease H in solution. J.
>> Am. Chem. Soc. 121, 10119-10125).  relax can't do this yet though
>> (although anyone is free to add that feature).
>> Edward
>> On 12/2/06, Sebastien Morin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi Edward
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> I have another question about reduced spectral density mapping.
>>> With the script jw_mapping.py, one has to select the frequency
>>> (jw_mapping.set_frq()). I would like to know if it is possible to select
>>> datasets at multiple fields and then optimize everything together...
>>> Would this lead to better values as is the case with the model-free
>>> approach ?
>>> I tried by simply putting three fields :
>>> ===============================================================
>>> jw_mapping.set_frq(name, frq=499.719 * 1e6, frq=599.739 * 1e6,
>>> frq=799.744 * 1e6)
>>> ===============================================================
>>> but as I thought, ended up with an error :
>>> ===============================================================
>>> SyntaxError: duplicate keyword argument
>>> ===============================================================
>>> Of course...
>>> Thanks for help !
>>> Séb :)
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2006 02:02:53 +1100
>> From: "Edward d'Auvergne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: Convergence on different systems
>> To: "Sebastien Morin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Cc: relax-users@gna.org
>> Message-ID:
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> Convergence when using Newton optimisation in relax (or in any
>> application) should be quite fast.  The Newton algorithm has what is
>> known as quadratic convergence - the fastest type of convergence.  In
>> comparison steepest descent has linear convergence and the BFGS
>> algorithm has super-linear convergence.  For more details see, for
>> example, Nocedal, J. and S. J. Wright: 1999, Numerical Optimization,
>> Springer Series in Operations Research, New York: Springer-Verlag.
>> Because of the quadratic convergence, tiny parameter differences will
>> most likely never occur and hence the convergence tests for identical
>> values won't be an issue.  These tests for identical values will not
>> increase the amount of CPU time required relative to approximate value
>> tests where a small tolerance is added.
>> The only problem is if you continually change CPU architectures,
>> operating systems, etc., during the running of the 'full_analysis.py'
>> script.  It should be fine though if the same diffusion tensor is
>> optimised on the same machine.
>> Cheers,
>> Edward
>> On 12/2/06, Sebastien Morin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I used the full_analysis.py script until convergence for the 4 diffusion
>>> models (sphere, prolate, oblate, ellipsoid), each on one different
>>> computer. Those computer, however, are quite similar, all 32-bits x86
>>> Gentoo Linux with same kernel, gcc, python, etc.
>>> For the final run, I switched on a different system, our dual core
>>> pseudo 64-bits NMR console computer running Red Hat Enterprise 4 with
>>> almost everything different from our Gentoo workstations which are
>>> really more up-to-date. Before starting the final run, I wanted to check
>>> if number rounding would be the same... Well, is wasn't and the run with
>>> the ellipsoid diffusion model ended up saying it wasn't converged yet :
>>> #####################
>>> # Convergence tests #
>>> #####################
>>> Chi-squared test:
>>>     chi2 (k-1): 7022.7261139599996
>>>     chi2 (k):   7022.7261139563052
>>>     The chi-squared value has not converged.
>>> Identical model-free models test:
>>>     The model-free models have converged.
>>> Identical parameter test:
>>>     Spin system: 26 PHE
>>>     Parameter:   S2f
>>>     Value (k-1): 0.84811676720047557
>>>     Value (k):   0.84811676720047491
>>>     The model-free parameters have not converged.
>>> Convergence:
>>>     [ No ]
>>> As is obvious, the differences are really small, but still relax thinks
>>> it's enough to spend many hours more trying to get absolute reproducibility.
>>> My question.
>>> Is it really necessary to get convergence on so small digits ? Probably
>>> yes, as it was designed this way... So, if yes, why ? Isn't it a problem
>>> for multi-computer processing ?
>>> Thanks !
>>> Séb :)
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>> ------------------------------
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>> End of relax-users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 3
>> *****************************************

    |                                               |
   || Sebastien Morin                               ||
  ||| Etudiant au PhD en biochimie                  |||
 |||| Laboratoire de resonance magnetique nucleaire ||||
||||| Dr Stephane Gagne                             |||||
 |||| CREFSIP (Universite Laval, Quebec, CANADA)    ||||
  ||| 1-418-656-2131 #4530                          |||
   ||                                               ||

relax (http://nmr-relax.com)

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