
I've now found and fixed the bug in the 1.2 relax line (see
https://gna.org/bugs/?12418).  I will release relax 1.2.15 with this
fix soonish, but please be patient as it takes up to 6 solid hours to
do a release.  If you can't wait, you have two alternatives.  The best
would be to use the subversion program to get the most up-to-date copy
of the 1.2 relax line by typing:

$ svn co svn://svn.gna.org/svn/relax/1.2 relax-1.2

or if this doesn't work:

$ svn co http://svn.gna.org/svn/relax/1.2 relax-1.2

Otherwise you could download and use relax.1.2.12.



On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 9:29 PM, Edward d'Auvergne
> On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 7:48 PM, Tyler Reddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Edward,
>> Thanks for your continued patience.
> That's okay, it's not a problem.
>> Okay, it seems that aligning the data height column by the left most digit
>> rather than the right most digit is not tolerated. Now the script (1.2)
>> almost
>> gets to the end, but there is still an error output, where the program opens
>> noe.out for writing (see below). The noe.out file is created, but it's
>> blank.
>> Assuming I can get functional input for the 1.2 version (which is supposed
>> to
>> work), if this input doesn't work for the 1.3 version I'm happy to submit
>> the
>> bug report at that stage.
> relax simply splits the text file by whitespace so alignment is only
> an issue if columns fuse.  I think there is another issue somewhere.
> I've tried the analysis with some of my old data, but I get the
> following error:
> relax> calc(run='noe', print_flag=1)
> relax> value.write(run='noe', param='noe', file='noe.out', dir=None, force=1)
> Opening the file 'noe.out' for writing.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/data/relax/releases/relax-1.2.14/relax", line 457, in <module>
>    Relax()
>  File "/data/relax/releases/relax-1.2.14/relax", line 167, in __init__
>    self.interpreter.run()
>  File "/data/relax/releases/relax-1.2.14/prompt/interpreter.py", line
> 216, in run
>    run_script(intro=self.relax.intro_string, local=self.local,
> script_file=self.relax.script_file, quit=1)
>  File "/data/relax/releases/relax-1.2.14/prompt/interpreter.py", line
> 391, in run_script
>    console.interact(intro, local, script_file, quit)
>  File "/data/relax/releases/relax-1.2.14/prompt/interpreter.py", line
> 343, in interact_script
>    execfile(script_file, local)
>  File "noe.py", line 29, in <module>
>    value.write(name, param='noe', file='noe.out', force=1)
>  File "/data/relax/releases/relax-1.2.14/prompt/value.py", line 506, in write
>    self.__relax__.generic.value.write(run=run, param=param,
> file=file, dir=dir, force=force)
>  File "/data/relax/releases/relax-1.2.14/generic_fns/value.py", line
> 537, in write
>    self.write_data(file, return_value)
>  File "/data/relax/releases/relax-1.2.14/generic_fns/value.py", line
> 549, in write_data
>    self.function_type =
> self.relax.data.run_types[self.relax.data.run_names.index(run)]
> ValueError: list.index(x): x not in list
> This is exactly what you see.  So I then tested this on many previous
> relax releases and found that all versions up to 1.2.12 function
> properly.  This error is a regression which appeared in the 1.2.13
> version and still exists in 1.2.14.  So a temporary but quick fix
> would be to do the NOE analysis using relax-1.2.12.  For relaxation
> curve fitting and model-free analysis, the 1.3.1 version can be used
> (there are system tests for these analyses there so this is much less
> likely to fail).  I'm sorry if this caused inconveniences, I have no
> idea how this error was introduced.  I've created a bug report for
> this issue (https://gna.org/bugs/index.php).
>> Also, I think it would be very useful if a sample of functional input data,
>> as
>> you supplied for me in the previous email, would be incorporated in the
>> relax
>> manual. Different labs can have different naming conventions and formats,
>> even
>> within a Sparky list, and the column alignment can be tricky (even if
>> trivial
>> once you know about it). Also, if there is sensitivity to the nomenclature
>> system employed (as some of your previous responses on this topic attest),
>> then
>> an example directly in the manual would definitely be appreciated. I know
>> that
>> part of the design philosophy is that it's very easy to incorporate new
>> format
>> tolerance into relax, but it's even faster for a new user who uses a
>> slightly
>> different format to just read the relevant section of the manual and format
>> that way.
> Done, I've added exactly the text you suggest
> (https://mail.gna.org/public/relax-commits/2008-10/msg00079.html).
> Thanks for the idea, that should be of help to others as well.  Don't
> worry about creating a bug report for relax-1.3.x as I'm now in the
> process of creating a system test for the NOE analysis using a subset
> of my old data.
> Cheers,
> Edward

relax (http://nmr-relax.com)

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