Dear Edward and Troels,

Thank you so much for your suggestions. I have tried to install Relax-3.1.5 under Mac OS by following your suggestions (use the source release and compile it), but I have not successfully installed Relax-3.1.5 under Mac OS till now. However Relax-3.1.5 can be installed under windows system on my another computer although some errors come up when I run the full test suite. Anyway, I will try again to install Relax-3.1.5 under Mac OS later on. Thank you so much.



Quoting Troels Emtekær Linnet <>:

Hi Mengjun.

If you have Mavericks and are in for trying to compile yourself, then try
this guide I have written:

If you are experienced linux user, and want to use scripts for
dataanalysis, this should be
the best way.

Let me know if you have problems, or are successful.


2014-02-19 16:41 GMT+01:00 Edward d'Auvergne <>:

Hi Mengjun,

The way that Mac OS X constructs an 'App' is quite complex and
convoluted.  A result of this is that the scripts in the relax
directories, including '' will never be able to run.
This is part of the 'App' design - maybe it is a security feature, I'm
not sure.  Anyway, if you click on the relax icon in the 'App', relax
will launch into the GUI mode.  There is no way to run the App on the
command line.  You can however use the source release, install the
dependencies which is rather easy on a Mac, and then have access to
all the scripts and prompt/script user interface (UI) if you so wish.



On 19 February 2014 16:27,  <> wrote:
> Hi Edward,
> I would like to ask you about the installation of relax under mac os. I
> downloaded relax-3.1.5.Darwin.dmg at
> I understand that  relax-3.1.5.Darwin.dmg requires none of the
> to be installed. Relax GUI can not be started when I click the file
> in the relax folder. Following is the outcome:
> #! /usr/bin/env python
> # This is a transient solution to forcing the GUI - a better solution
> be an environmental variablThis is a transient solution to forcing the
> a better solution would be an environmental variablThis is a transient
> solution to forcing the GUI - a better solution would be an environmental
> variable.e.
> # Import the relax module.
> import relax
> # Start relax.
> relax.start(mode='gui')
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Mengjun

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