On 26/03/14 21:35, Troels Emtekær Linnet wrote:
> Dear Justin.
> If you have R1 values measured from an experiment.
> And you have R1rho intensities measured as variations of spin-lock time,
> spin-lock offset and spin-lock field/power, you can perform R1rho
> analysis in relax.
> If we just think of model DPL94, you would in relax get fitted R20(or
> R1rhoprime) and Rex (determined by fitted phi_ex, kex and calculated
> effective field).
> Then you would like to interpolate the graph.
> One could now interpolate R1rho values, by just varying theta, since we
> all other parameters.
> The current implementation in relax is by ramping the spin-lock field,
> but for the graphs you refer to, it should instead ramp the offset.
> I faced that exact same problem a week ago, and made this little page to
> show how the graph change according to that:
> http://wiki.nmr-relax.com/DPL94_math
> So with the parameters in hand from relax,  you could in a spreadsheet
> just vary theta and make the graphs.
> But I aimed for the auto generation of these plots as grace files, and
> was stuck until realizing what needed to be modified in relax, since
> just making the graphs looked wrong.
> For an implementation in relax, we need something like:
> Function to ramp field values
> Function to ramp offset values
> Make function that return calculated R1rho data accept interpolated data
> Make back calculation accept as well
> Expand the grace write function
> So, it takes a little before we are there. :) But now there is a plan.
> Best
> Troels

Thanks a lot, Troels.

To things I learned, first I really need to learn more on the whole
theory and second I will try to do the full R1rho analysis and see what
the models bring to me. I will also have a look into the Matplotlib
script and see how it helps.


Justin Lecher
Institute of Complex Systems
ICS-6 Structural Biochemistry
Research Centre Juelich
52425 Juelich, Germany
phone: +49 2461 61 2117

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