Dear Edward and Troels,

Thank you for the additional info. So it seems that although cpmg_fit has the 
choice to use different R20’s, current literature is still limited to the R20A 
= R20B assumption. I actually have a copy of Korzhnev’s paper in my computer; 
will certainly take a closer look. I think my inexperience in the analysis is 
also a factor, and your information has been a huge help.

We already got 3.3.0 running, but it is still using an older version of numpy 
in our cluster. I know about canopy (in fact, I have it installed on my 
personal Mac), but last time I tried to install it on my personal account in 
the cluster computer, something went wrong and a lot of python-dependent stuff 
wouldn’t run. Since the system admin already gave his word that he will do his 
best to update our python system, I’ll just trust him… for now *grin*.



PS: 3.3.0 does feel zippier than the older version, even using an old numpy 
(1.6.2?). The speed up is really impressive. Kudos to a job well done!

On Sep 11, 2014, at 5:36 PM, Edward d'Auvergne <> wrote:

> Hi Chung-ke,
> I actually now remember that I saw the R20A != R20B analysis presented
> at a conference somewhere, though again I can't remember by whom.  I'm
> pretty sure it was real data, very likely at 3 magnetic fields, and
> possibly including multiple-quantum data as well, i.e. the MMQ models
> in relax (  I would
> guess it was someone from the Kay, Palmer or Wright groups.  You will
> probably not find the R20A = R20B assumption written in most papers,
> as people just use the software blindly and don't realise that there
> is a difference.  Most software have the R20A = R20B assumption
> hardcoded so you have no choice.  The more advanced software from
> Dmitry Korzhnev (cpmg_fit) allows you to fit these separately though.
> You will however find the text about the assumption in pretty much all
> of Dmitry's papers, for example in
> :
>    "The adjustable parameters for the "global" two-state model (F <->
> U) include nc‚nr‚nf intrinsic (transverse relaxation) R2 rates
> (assumed to be the same in F and U states), ..."
> This is also well described in Art Palmer's 2001 Methods in Enzymology
> review (
> Regards,
> Edward
> P. S.  Troels' instructions for setting up your one Python and relax
> installation is a great way to quickly have relax available,
> especially if you wish to use a new version or the repository version
> to obtain a quick bug fix.
> On 10 September 2014 19:42, Chung-ke Chang <> wrote:
>> Dear Edward,
>> Thank you for the thorough explanation. Yes, I now see why having the “full” 
>> models would be useful. I will try to track down the references you 
>> mentioned - I hope they are indexed in PubMed, I really have little idea on 
>> how to search for “pure” chemistry papers - and take a look at the scenarios 
>> where using the full models would be appropriate. I guess that I also need 
>> to re-read some of the literature on how to apply relaxation dispersion 
>> analysis to biological systems. The R20A = R20B assumption must be buried 
>> somewhere in the materials and methods section….
>> Cheers,
>> Chung-ke
>> On Sep 10, 2014, at 10:08 PM, Edward d'Auvergne <> wrote:
>>> Hi Chung-ke,
>>> The aim of relax is to support absolutely every NMR dynamics theory in
>>> existence!  For the relaxation dispersion analysis section of relax,
>>> this means supporting all published models for the dispersion data,
>>> and all parametric restrictions of these models.  Many of the
>>> dispersion models have been derived with the assumption that R20A and
>>> R20B are different, the Carver and Richards model is a good example of
>>> this (  These are the '* full'
>>> models in relax.  However in the literature the parametric restriction
>>> R20A = R20B (= R20) is almost always used.  For the analytic models
>>> this can significantly simplify the equations, whereas for the numeric
>>> models the equations do not change.  In both cases, two dimensions of
>>> the the optimisation space collapse into one and the optimisation
>>> problem massively simplifies.  That is why in relax we also provide
>>> the collapsed models (those with the ' full' part of the label
>>> removed).
>>> It is true most literature data is not suitable for the '* full'
>>> models.  That is why they are not turned on by default in the GUI or
>>> listed in the sample scripts.  From memory though, there are cases
>>> whereby the measured data is of high enough quality and collected on
>>> enough magnets that the R20A != R20B assumption can be made.  I cannot
>>> remember the reference(s), but it shouldn't be too hard to find.
>>> Anyway, the full R20A != R20B models are provided in relax for a
>>> number of reasons:
>>> - The rare cases whereby the data is good enough.
>>> - Academic studies.
>>> - Future developments could significantly improve the quality of
>>> measured dispersion data so that the R20A != R20B assumption can be
>>> regularly made.
>>> - Chemists have a different perspective on life compared to
>>> biologists.  Small organic molecules make the R20A vs. R20B
>>> distinction much, much easier.
>>> I hope it is now clearer why there are these models in relax.
>>> Regards,
>>> Edward
>>> On 10 September 2014 15:27, Chung-ke Chang <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Edward and Troels,
>>>> Thank you all for the help! We are currently testing the new version of 
>>>> relax (yes, we are using the “normal” release), and making sure it plays 
>>>> along nicely with other software - we have a plethora of different python 
>>>> versions, which the system manager is doing his best to avoid interfering 
>>>> with each other. I am curious about one thing though: If the ‘CR72 full’ 
>>>> model has not been used in any published studies, then is there any reason 
>>>> to include it when trying to fit “real-world” data? It seems that Troels 
>>>> is implying that “real-world” data is too noisy to obtain meaningful 
>>>> fitting parameters from the model. Or am I misunderstanding something?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Chung-ke
>>>> On Sep 9, 2014, at 8:56 PM, Edward d'Auvergne <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Chung-ke,
>>>>> The only way to find out about new relax releases is the
>>>>> relax-announce mailing list
>>>>> (  Some relax
>>>>> users were signed up for the freecode announcements
>>>>> (, but freecode has
>>>>> unfortunately shut down (
>>>>> For the version you are currently using, note that this is the
>>>>> repository version of relax installed by the superuser.  You should
>>>>> make sure you use the normal releases, as the repository version can
>>>>> sometimes be in a broken or buggy state as development occurs.  You
>>>>> can also have a copy in your home directory by typing:
>>>>> $ svn co ./relax-trunk
>>>>> $ cd relax-trunk
>>>>> $ scons
>>>>> If you already have a repository version on your system, these
>>>>> commands should just work.  But you should only use the repository
>>>>> version if you would like a bug fix and cannot wait until the next
>>>>> relax release.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Edward
>>>>> On 9 September 2014 10:37, Chung-ke Chang <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Troels and Edward,
>>>>>> Thank you for the pointers. I was not aware that a new version was out 
>>>>>> last
>>>>>> week, so I’ve asked the IT people to install it on our cluster. Below is 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> output from ‘relax -i’:
>>>>>> [chungke@nmrc10 onc_dAUGA_MES_310K]$ relax -i
>>>>>>                                relax repository checkout r24533
>>>>>>                               svn://
>>>>>>                            Molecular dynamics by NMR data analysis
>>>>>>                           Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Edward d'Auvergne
>>>>>>                       Copyright (C) 2006-2014 the relax development team
>>>>>> This is free software which you are welcome to modify and redistribute 
>>>>>> under
>>>>>> the conditions of the
>>>>>> GNU General Public License (GPL).  This program, including all modules, 
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> licensed under the GPL
>>>>>> and comes with absolutely no warranty.  For details type 'GPL' within the
>>>>>> relax prompt.
>>>>>> Assistance in using the relax prompt and scripting interface can be 
>>>>>> accessed
>>>>>> by typing 'help' within
>>>>>> the prompt.
>>>>>> Processor fabric:  Uni-processor.
>>>>>> Hardware information:
>>>>>>  Machine:                 x86_64
>>>>>>  Processor:               x86_64
>>>>>>  Processor name:          Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5430  @ 2.66GHz
>>>>>>  Endianness:              little
>>>>>>  Total RAM size:          7983 Mb
>>>>>>  Total swap size:         8189 Mb
>>>>>> Operating system information:
>>>>>>  System:                  Linux
>>>>>>  Release:                 2.6.18-164.el5
>>>>>>  Version:                 #1 SMP Thu Sep 3 03:28:30 EDT 2009
>>>>>>  Distribution:            redhat 5.3 Final
>>>>>>  Full platform string:
>>>>>> Linux-2.6.18-164.el5-x86_64-with-redhat-5.3-Final
>>>>>> Python information:
>>>>>>  Architecture:            64bit ELF
>>>>>>  Python version:          2.5.1
>>>>>>  Python build:            r251:54863, Jul 23 2008 17:35:20
>>>>>>  Python compiler:         GCC Intel(R) C++ gcc 4.1 mode
>>>>>>  Libc version:            glibc 2.3
>>>>>>  Python executable:       /program/nmr/bin/python
>>>>>>  Python module path:      ['/program/nmr/relax',
>>>>>> '/program/nmr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/setuptools-0.6c9-py2.5.egg',
>>>>>> '/program/nmr/lib/', '/program/nmr/lib/python2.5',
>>>>>> '/program/nmr/lib/python2.5/plat-linux2',
>>>>>> '/program/nmr/lib/python2.5/lib-tk',
>>>>>> '/program/nmr/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload',
>>>>>> '/program/nmr/lib/python2.5/site-packages',
>>>>>> '/program/nmr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Scientific/linux2']
>>>>>> Python packages and modules (most are optional):
>>>>>> Name               Installed    Version             Path
>>>>>> minfx              True         1.0.8
>>>>>> /program/nmr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/minfx
>>>>>> bmrblib            True         1.0.3
>>>>>> /program/nmr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/bmrblib
>>>>>> numpy              True         1.6.2
>>>>>> /program/nmr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/numpy
>>>>>> scipy              False
>>>>>> wxPython           False
>>>>>> matplotlib         True         0.98.3
>>>>>> /program/nmr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib
>>>>>> mpi4py             True         1.3.1
>>>>>> /program/nmr/lib/python2.5/mpi4py
>>>>>> epydoc             False
>>>>>> optparse           True         1.5.3
>>>>>> /program/nmr/lib/python2.5/optparse.pyc
>>>>>> readline           True
>>>>>> /program/nmr/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload/
>>>>>> profile            True
>>>>>> /program/nmr/lib/python2.5/profile.pyc
>>>>>> bz2                True
>>>>>> /program/nmr/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload/
>>>>>> gzip               True
>>>>>> /program/nmr/lib/python2.5/gzip.pyc
>>>>>> io                 False
>>>>>> xml                True         0.8.4 (internal)
>>>>>> /program/nmr/lib/python2.5/xml/__init__.pyc
>>>>>> xml.dom.minidom    True
>>>>>> /program/nmr/lib/python2.5/xml/dom/minidom.pyc
>>>>>> relax information:
>>>>>>  Version:                 repository checkout r24533
>>>>>> svn://
>>>>>>  Processor fabric:        Uni-processor.
>>>>>> relax C modules:
>>>>>> Module                        Compiled    File type
>>>>>> Path
>>>>>> target_functions.relax_fit    True        ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, 
>>>>>> AMD
>>>>>> x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped
>>>>>> /program/nmr/relax/target_functions/
>>>>>> As for the data itself, I am using data obtained on two fields and use 
>>>>>> both
>>>>>> from the start.
>>>>>> Upon closer look at the R20 parameters, I think both of you are right: 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> R20a and R20b numbers are really funky. I shall follow your suggestions 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> run the calculations with the CR72 and B14 models instead.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Chung-ke
>>>>>> On Sep 9, 2014, at 4:25 PM, Troels Emtekær Linnet <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Chung-ke.
>>>>>> Can you put the information about which version of relax you use?
>>>>>> You can in terminal do:
>>>>>> relax -i
>>>>>> and write it here.
>>>>>> And then there is the question if you used data from one field or two
>>>>>> spectrometer fields.
>>>>>> Fitting to one field, can give problems.
>>>>>> This is described here:
>>>>>> """Faithful estimation of dynamics parameters from CPMG relaxation
>>>>>> dispersion measurements."""
>>>>>> Kovrigin, Evgenii L; Kempf, James G; Grey, Michael J; Loria, J Patrick
>>>>>> Journal of magnetic resonance, 2006, Vol 180, p 93-104.
>>>>>> DOI: 10.1016/j.jmr.2006.01.010
>>>>>> Figure 9 and 10 shows these "rotten bananas".
>>>>>> Clustering data, in some way overcome this problem.
>>>>>> Since you now starts to add more data, compared to number of fitting
>>>>>> parameters.
>>>>>> The problem though, is that if you start from "single fitted" data,
>>>>>> and go to "Clustering of data", that
>>>>>> an average of the global parameter will be taken for the single fitted 
>>>>>> data.
>>>>>> In previous version of relax (a version or two ago), we changed from
>>>>>> taking the average to take the median of the parameters.
>>>>>> This was to prevent taking the average of an outliers, if one of the
>>>>>> single fitted spins have been fitted "crazy".
>>>>>> You don't want to start with a global kex at 10000.
>>>>>> I have discussed the CR72 Full model with my supervisor.
>>>>>> He have actually never seen it in use in any paper.
>>>>>> Always the assumption R20A=R20B is used.
>>>>>> If you only have one field, I would not even try this model.
>>>>>> If you still would like to try it, please consider using the B14 full
>>>>>> model as well, to compare.
>>>>>> Abstract: "Faithful estimation of dynamics parameters from CPMG
>>>>>> relaxation dispersion measurements."
>>>>>> This work examines the robustness of fitting of parameters describing
>>>>>> conformational exchange (k(ex), p(a/b), and Deltaomega) processes from
>>>>>> CPMG relaxation dispersion data. We have analyzed the equations
>>>>>> describing conformational exchange processes for the intrinsic
>>>>>> inter-dependence of their parameters that leads to the existence of
>>>>>> multiple equivalent solutions, which equally satisfy the experimental
>>>>>> data. We have used Monte-Carlo simulations and fitting to the
>>>>>> synthetic data sets as well as the direct 3-D mapping of the parameter
>>>>>> space of k(ex), p(a/b), and Deltaomega to quantitatively assess the
>>>>>> degree of the parameter inter-dependence. The demonstrated high
>>>>>> correlation between parameters can preclude accurate dynamics
>>>>>> parameter estimation from NMR spin-relaxation data obtained at a
>>>>>> single static magnetic field. The strong parameter inter-dependence
>>>>>> can readily be overcome through acquisition of spin-relaxation data at
>>>>>> more than one static magnetic field thereby allowing accurate
>>>>>> assessment of conformational exchange properties.
>>>>>> Troels Emtekær Linnet
>>>>>> PhD student
>>>>>> Copenhagen University
>>>>>> SBiNLab, 3-0-41
>>>>>> 2014-09-09 9:48 GMT+02:00 Edward d'Auvergne <>:
>>>>>> Hi Chung-ke,
>>>>>> Welcome to the relax mailing lists!  Thanks to the hard work of one of
>>>>>> the relax developers - Troels Linnet - this long calculation time
>>>>>> should now be much, much shorter.  Have a look at the following
>>>>>> release announcement:
>>>>>> For the 'CR72 full' model (, the
>>>>>> clustering example here gives a ~22x speed up so your calculation time
>>>>>> would then drop from ~20,000 min to ~1000 min.  If you would like to
>>>>>> receive announcements about new relax versions, please subscribe to
>>>>>> the relax-announce mailing list
>>>>>> (  This list only
>>>>>> receives ~10 emails per year.  See
>>>>>> I have a few questions about how you performed the analysis.  Did you
>>>>>> use a non-clustered set of results to seed the clustered analysis?  In
>>>>>> the dispersion auto-analysis protocol exposed via the GUI, the results
>>>>>> from the non-clustered analysis will be taken as the starting point
>>>>>> for optimisation of the clustered analysis, as described in Morin et
>>>>>> al., 2014 (  If you
>>>>>> wish, and are capable with scripting, you can also create your own
>>>>>> analysis protocol via a relax script and not use the auto-analysis.
>>>>>> The relax software is very flexible and you can create quite complex
>>>>>> analysis protocols - the auto-analyses are just large relax scripts.
>>>>>> Also, did you look at the results from the non-clustered analysis to
>>>>>> see if the kinetics of all 13 residues are similar?  Or if the
>>>>>> dispersion curves look reasonable?  Some data might be of low quality
>>>>>> and causing difficulties with the optimisation.  You should also note
>>>>>> that most dispersion data is not good enough to differentiate R20A
>>>>>> from R20B.  Do the final results (non-clustered and clustered) look
>>>>>> reasonable for these two parameters?  It could be that differentiating
>>>>>> R20A from R20B in your system is difficult and causing optimisation to
>>>>>> take much longer than normal.  Do you see the same optimisation times
>>>>>> with the clustered CR72 model where R20A=R20B=R20
>>>>>> (  Also, have a look at the log file
>>>>>> from the analysis and see if the total number of minimisation
>>>>>> iterations is much longer for the 'CR72 full' model compared to the
>>>>>> CR72 model.  This will tell you if the optimisation problem is much
>>>>>> more complicated for the 'full' model.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Edward
>>>>>> On 9 September 2014 09:19, Chung-ke Chang <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>> This is my first post here, and I have a question regarding the time it
>>>>>> takes for a relaxation dispersion clustering process to finish. I have 
>>>>>> one
>>>>>> clustering calculation that has been running for ~ 20,000 min on a single
>>>>>> Xeon 2.66 GHz core. The cluster consists of 13 residues being fit to the
>>>>>> ‘CR72 full’ model. I wonder if the long time it is taking is normal? 
>>>>>> Would
>>>>>> it be possible that relax has been stuck in an infinite loop of some 
>>>>>> sort,
>>>>>> without showing up in the log file? Any input would be greatly 
>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>> By the way, using a cluster of only 11 residues out of the 13 did finish 
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> ~13,000 min.
>>>>>> Chung-ke Chang
>>>>>> Biomacromolecular NMR Lab
>>>>>> Institute of Biomedical Science
>>>>>> Academia Sinica, Taiwan
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