Hello Edward,

I tried the GUI version of the setup again for the relaxation dispersion
(on the test data) and it ran without any error this time. Its possible I
made some mistake during the setup thr last time.

Thank again for the help


On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 5:27 AM, Edward d'Auvergne <edw...@nmr-relax.com>

> Hi Troels and Prem,
> Troels, for a suggestion for improving the script in your tutorial,
> you could use:
> """
> from time import asctime, localtime
> pipe_bundle = "relax_disp (%s)" % asctime(localtime())
> pipe_name = "origin - %s" % pipe_bundle
> """
> This is how the new analysis wizard in relax creates these names
> (
> http://www.nmr-relax.com/api/3.3/gui.analyses.wizard-pysrc.html#Data_pipe_page.on_display
> ).
> This script really saves a lot of time.  But, as it does not replicate
> the bug, Prem, could you still create the bug report and include all
> steps required to produce the error you observed?
> Cheers,
> Edward
> On 18 November 2014 12:08, Troels Emtekær Linnet <tlin...@nmr-relax.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi Prem.
> >
> > I added the tutorial here:
> >
> >
> http://wiki.nmr-relax.com/Tutorial_for_The_relaxation_dispersion_auto-analysis_in_the_GUI
> >
> > I tried to take power of the scripting, to get around the tedious work on
> > defining the experiment settings for all spectra.
> >
> > So this script should take you to the "end point" before staring the
> > analysis.
> >
> > Best
> > Troels
> >
> >
> >
> > 2014-11-18 11:51 GMT+01:00 Troels Emtekær Linnet <tlin...@nmr-relax.com
> >:
> >
> >> Dear Prem.
> >>
> >> Welcome to the mailing list!
> >>
> >> I guess that you mean the manual at:
> >> http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/Contents.html
> >>
> >> The relaxation dispersion auto-analysis in the GUI
> >>
> >>
> http://www.nmr-relax.com/manual/The_relaxation_dispersion_auto_analysis_in_the_GUI.html
> >>
> >> Where the test data is in:
> >> test_suite/shared_data/dispersion/Hansen
> >>
> >> I will write it up here as a script instead.
> >> This goes a little faster testing.
> >>
> >> You can also find more inspiration at the wiki:
> >> http://wiki.nmr-relax.com
> >> http://wiki.nmr-relax.com/Category:Tutorials
> >>
> >> In terminal
> >> mkdir -p $HOME/test
> >> cd $HOME/test
> >> gedit test.py
> >>
> >> Then I build the script onwards.
> >> I run relax repeatedly, to execute code. Then I write new code in the
> >> script, and run again.
> >> relax test.py
> >>
> >> When I am satisfied, you can then do like this.
> >>
> >> relax -g -t log.txt
> >> User functions -> Script -> test.py
> >>
> >> THEN:
> >> View -> Data pipe editor -> Right click on pipe -> Associate with a new
> >> Auto analysis
> >>
> >> This should bring you to a window, where all settings have been set.
> >>
> >> Relaxations dispersion models: ['R2eff', 'No Rex', 'CR72', 'NS CPMG
> 2-site
> >> expanded']
> >> Grid increements: 11 (For speed-up in test phase)
> >> Monte-Carlo simulations number: 5 (For speed up in test phase)
> >>
> >> Then a quick click on spin.isotope function, and GO.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> test.py
> >> ----------------
> >> #python modules
> >> import os
> >> import glob
> >>
> >> # relax modules
> >> from lib.io import sort_filenames
> >>
> >> # Set path to data
> >> data =
> >>
> '/sbinlab2/tlinnet/software/NMR-relax/relax_trunk/test_suite/shared_data/dispersion/Hansen'
> >>
> >> # Create the data pipe.
> >> pipe_name = 'origin - relax_disp (Tue Nov 18 10:39:36 2014)'
> >> pipe_bundle = 'relax_disp (Tue Nov 18 10:39:36 2014)'
> >> pipe.create(pipe_name=pipe_name, bundle=pipe_bundle,
> >> pipe_type='relax_disp')
> >>
> >> # Create spin to hold data.
> >> sequence.read(file='fake_sequence.in', dir=data, res_num_col=1,
> >> res_name_col=2)
> >> deselect.read(file='unresolved', dir=data+os.sep+'500_MHz',
> >> spin_id_col=None, mol_name_col=None, res_num_col=1, boolean='AND',
> >> change_all=False)
> >> deselect.read(file='unresolved', dir=data+os.sep+'800_MHz',
> >> spin_id_col=None, mol_name_col=None, res_num_col=1, res_name_col=2,
> >> boolean='AND', change_all=False)
> >>
> >> # Give the spins attributes.
> >> spin.isotope(isotope='15N', spin_id='@*', force=True)
> >> spin.name(name='N')
> >>
> >> # Do for 800.
> >> ###############################################
> >> # Change directory.
> >> os.chdir(data + os.sep + '500_MHz')
> >>
> >> # Get the file list, and sort the file list Alphanumeric.
> >> flist500 = glob.glob('*.in_sparky')
> >> flist500 = sort_filenames(filenames=flist500)
> >>
> >> # Make ID
> >> ID500 = []
> >> for f in flist500: ID500.append("500_"+f.split(".in_sparky")[0])
> >>
> >> # Then Read
> >> spectrum.read_intensities(file=flist500, spectrum_id=ID500)
> >>
> >> # Repeat for the replicated spectra.
> >> flist500rep = glob.glob('*in.bis_sparky')
> >> flist500rep = sort_filenames(filenames=flist500rep)
> >>
> >> # Make ID
> >> ID500rep = []
> >> for f in flist500rep:
> >> ID500rep.append("500_"+f.split(".in.bis_sparky")[0]+'b')
> >>
> >> # Then Read
> >> spectrum.read_intensities(file=flist500rep, spectrum_id=ID500rep)
> >>
> >> # Then map replicated
> >> for b_id in ID500rep:
> >>     a_id = b_id[:-1]
> >>     spectrum.replicated(spectrum_ids=[a_id, b_id])
> >>
> >> # Then check
> >> print cdp.replicates
> >>
> >> # Then repeat for 800.
> >> ###############################################
> >> # Change directory.
> >> os.chdir(data + os.sep + '800_MHz')
> >>
> >> # Get the file list, and sort the file list Alphanumeric.
> >> flist800 = glob.glob('*.in_sparky')
> >> flist800 = sort_filenames(filenames=flist800)
> >>
> >> # Make ID
> >> ID800 = []
> >> for f in flist800: ID800.append("800_"+f.split(".in_sparky")[0])
> >>
> >> # Then Read
> >> spectrum.read_intensities(file=flist800, spectrum_id=ID800)
> >>
> >> # Repeat for the replicated spectra.
> >> flist800rep = glob.glob('*in.bis_sparky')
> >> flist800rep = sort_filenames(filenames=flist800rep)
> >>
> >> # Make ID
> >> ID800rep = []
> >> for f in flist800rep:
> >> ID800rep.append("800_"+f.split(".in.bis_sparky")[0]+'b')
> >>
> >> # Then Read
> >> spectrum.read_intensities(file=flist800rep, spectrum_id=ID800rep)
> >>
> >> # Then map replicated
> >> for b_id in ID800rep:
> >>     a_id = b_id[:-1]
> >>     spectrum.replicated(spectrum_ids=[a_id, b_id])
> >>
> >> # Then check
> >> print cdp.replicates
> >> ################################################
> >> print len(ID500), len(ID500rep), len(ID800), len(ID800rep)
> >>
> >> # Then set spectrum properties
> >> all_ID = ID500 + ID500rep + ID800 + ID800rep
> >>
> >> for cur_id in all_ID:
> >>     # Split from name
> >>     sfrq_str, vcpmg_str = cur_id.split("_")
> >>
> >>     if vcpmg_str == 'reference':
> >>          vcpmg = None
> >>     else:
> >>         vcpmg = float(vcpmg_str.split("b")[0])
> >>     print cur_id, sfrq_str, vcpmg
> >>
> >>     # Set the current experiment type.
> >>     relax_disp.exp_type(spectrum_id=cur_id, exp_type='SQ CPMG')
> >>
> >>     # Set the NMR field strength of the spectrum.
> >>     spectrometer.frequency(id=cur_id, frq=float(sfrq_str), units='MHz')
> >>
> >>     # Relaxation dispersion CPMG constant time delay T (in s).
> >>     relax_disp.relax_time(spectrum_id=cur_id, time=0.03)
> >>
> >>     # Set the relaxation dispersion CPMG frequencies.
> >>     relax_disp.cpmg_setup(spectrum_id=cur_id, cpmg_frq=vcpmg)
> >> -------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> 2014-11-18 0:06 GMT+01:00 Prem Raj Joseph <prbj123re...@gmail.com>:
> >> >
> >> > Hello all,
> >> >
> >> > I was using the GUI version of the software to run the tutorial
> available
> >> > in the manual for analysis of relaxation dispersion.
> >> > When i execute the run I get the following error
> >> >
> >> > RelaxPipeError: RelaxError: The data pipe 'R2eff - relax_disp (Mon
> Nov 17
> >> > 10:50:08 2014)' already exists.
> >> >
> >> > Not sure where the error is arising from. Any help is greatly
> >> appreciated.
> >> >
> >> > Thanks
> >> >
> >> > Prem
> >> >
> >> > Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
> >> > Sealy Center for Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
> >> > 5.142 Medical Branch  Building
> >> > University of Texas Medical Branch
> >> > Galveston, TX 77555-1055
> >> > Lab: 409-772-2181
> >> > Cell: 409-354-8536
> >> >
> >> > !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >> > Error analysis
> >> > ==============
> >> >
> >> > Skipping the error analysis as it has already been performed.
> >> >
> >> > relax> relax_disp.r1_fit(fit=False)
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > ---------------------
> >> > - The 'R2eff' model -
> >> > ---------------------
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > relax> pipe.copy(pipe_from='origin - relax_disp (Mon Nov 17 10:50:08
> >> > 2014)', pipe_to='R2eff - relax_disp (Mon Nov 17 10:50:08 2014)',
> >> > bundle_to='relax_disp (Mon Nov 17 10:50:08 2014)')
> >> > Exception raised in thread.
> >> >
> >> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >> >   File "/home/prem/programs/relax-3.3.2/gui/analyses/execute.py", line
> >> 87,
> >> > in run
> >> >     self.run_analysis()
> >> >   File
> "/home/prem/programs/relax-3.3.2/gui/analyses/auto_relax_disp.py",
> >> > line 726, in run_analysis
> >> >     Relax_disp(pipe_name=self.data.pipe_name,
> >> > pipe_bundle=self.data.pipe_bundle, results_dir=self.data.save_dir,
> >> > models=self.data.models, grid_inc=self.data.inc,
> >> > mc_sim_num=self.data.mc_sim_num,
> exp_mc_sim_num=self.data.exp_mc_sim_num,
> >> > pre_run_dir=self.data.pre_run_dir,
> >> > mc_sim_all_models=self.data.mc_sim_all_models,
> >> > insignificance=self.data.insignificance,
> >> > numeric_only=self.data.numeric_only, r1_fit=self.data.r1_fit)
> >> >   File "/home/prem/programs/relax-3.3.2/auto_analyses/relax_disp.py",
> >> line
> >> > 137, in __init__
> >> >     self.run()
> >> >   File "/home/prem/programs/relax-3.3.2/auto_analyses/relax_disp.py",
> >> line
> >> > 614, in run
> >> >     self.interpreter.pipe.copy(pipe_from=self.pipe_name,
> >> > pipe_to=model_pipe, bundle_to=self.pipe_bundle)
> >> >   File "/home/prem/programs/relax-3.3.2/prompt/uf_objects.py", line
> 225,
> >> in
> >> > __call__
> >> >     self._backend(*new_args, **uf_kargs)
> >> >   File "/home/prem/programs/relax-3.3.2/pipe_control/pipes.py", line
> 191,
> >> > in copy
> >> >     raise RelaxPipeError(pipe_to)
> >> > RelaxPipeError: RelaxError: The data pipe 'R2eff - relax_disp (Mon
> Nov 17
> >> > 10:50:08 2014)' already exists.
> >> > _______________________________________________
> >> > relax (http://www.nmr-relax.com)
> >> >
> >> > This is the relax-users mailing list
> >> > relax-users@gna.org
> >> >
> >> > To unsubscribe from this list, get a password
> >> > reminder, or change your subscription options,
> >> > visit the list information page at
> >> > https://mail.gna.org/listinfo/relax-users
> >>
> > _______________________________________________
> > relax (http://www.nmr-relax.com)
> >
> > This is the relax-users mailing list
> > relax-users@gna.org
> >
> > To unsubscribe from this list, get a password
> > reminder, or change your subscription options,
> > visit the list information page at
> > https://mail.gna.org/listinfo/relax-users
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