On 12 October 2015 at 09:04, Edward d'Auvergne <edw...@nmr-relax.com> wrote:
> On 11 October 2015 at 19:32, Sze Chan <samuelsw.c...@mail.utoronto.ca> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> While I was setting up my modelfree analysis in the GUI automated protocol , 
>> I received the error in the controller:
>> RelaxWarning: comparison to `None` will result in an elementwise object 
>> comparison in the future.
>> After loading my data, setting dipolar interactions, setting CSA relaxations 
>> and setting the isotopes but before execution of the analysis.
>> I'm not sure what happened to cause the warning, but when the modelfree 
>> analysis is running, each successive round of optimization in each model 
>> does not compare to the previous round, instead it would always compare each 
>> optimized chi-square value to 'none' such as in round 21 of the oblate model:
>> Storing the optimisation results for the spin 
>> '#LARA_N_term_no_helixFH_reg_mol24:358@N', the optimised chi-squared value 
>> is lower than the current value (283.50425283 < None).
>> Even though I'm guessing it should refer to a previously optimised value?
>> During the analysis it would go through the default 30 rounds of 
>> optimisation for each global model but not reach convergence.
>> I was wondering how I can remedy this or at least create a log file so I can 
>> make my problem more clear.
> Hi Sam,
> I would suggest running relax with these options:
> $ relax --gui --log relax_warning.log --traceback
> This will start the GUI, send all output into a 'relax_warning.log'
> file, and produce highly detailed RelaxError and RelaxWarning messages
> pointing to the exact place in the code where the problem occurred.
> Then exit relax once this warning first occurs (using kill if
> necessary).
> Which version of relax are you using by the way?  And which numpy
> version?  The RelaxWarning message you see is either due to Python or
> numpy (specifically using newer versions).  I have seen it many times
> before, and I try to avoid it in the code where possible.  Strangely I
> have never seen this one before.  The relax test suite tests the full
> automated dauvergne_protocol analysis, including multiple rounds of
> optimisation and convergence tests.  And for each relax release I run
> the full test suite on Python version 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2,
> 3.3, and 3.4 (and now 3.5).  Because the test suite has not replicated
> the problem you see, maybe it has something to do with numpy.  Anyway,
> I look forward to seeing the traceback on that RelaxWarning, and maybe
> the output of 'relax -i'.  If you'd like to attach files, then please
> create a bug report and attach the file to the report (
> https://gna.org/bugs/?func=additem&group=relax ).

Hi Sam,

Thanks for creating the bug report ( https://gna.org/bugs/?23933 ).
From this I can see that the RelaxWarning is not the problem, but
rather this:

relax> relax_data.read(ri_id='R1_600_2', ri_type='R1',
frq=600402816.0, file='C:\\Users\\Sam Chan\\Desktop\\r1_600.txt',
dir=None, spin_id_col=None, mol_name_col=None, res_num_col=1,
res_name_col=None, spin_num_col=None, spin_name_col=None, data_col=2,
error_col=3, sep=None, spin_id='@N*')
Opening the file 'C:\\Users\\Sam Chan\\Desktop\\r1_600.txt' for reading.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\relax\gui\wizards\wiz_objects.py", line 166, in _apply
    self.exec_status = self.on_execute()
  File "C:\relax\gui\uf_objects.py", line 917, in on_execute
    return_status = self.execute(self.name, **kargs)
  File "C:\relax\gui\uf_objects.py", line 839, in execute
    return_status = interpreter.apply(uf, *args, **kwds)
  File "C:\relax\gui\interpreter.py", line 109, in apply
    fn(*args, **kwds)
  File "C:\relax\pipe_control\relax_data.py", line 920, in read
    pack_data(ri_id, ri_type, frq, values, errors,
mol_names=mol_names, res_nums=res_nums, res_names=res_names,
spin_nums=spin_nums, spin_names=spin_names, spin_id=spin_id)
  File "C:\relax\pipe_control\relax_data.py", line 767, in pack_data
    if ids:
NameError: global name 'ids' is not defined

Did you see this error in the GUI?  To help debug this, I was
wondering if you could attach a shortened version of the r1_600.txt
file (truncated to 1 or 2 residues, but still enough to trigger the
error).  I could then use this to create a new system or GUI test to
catch the problem.  That will allow me to come up with a fix in
normally a few minutes.  Oh, you may have seen that I just released
relax 4.0.0, the first of the 4 series (
http://wiki.nmr-relax.com/Relax_4.0.0 ).  However this problem you see
will still be present.



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