
in the last week I worked on a series of improvements for GNOME
Documents; most these changes were initially planned to be done during
the 3.4 cycle but unfortunately I missed the freeze deadline.
Changes include
- the use of checkbuttons instead of the classic treeview-like selection
background for selection mode
- changing the title of the toolbar according to the current view
- support for drag and drop of items out of the application
- show document date information in list view
- support for printing documents
I put some screenshots of the new features here [1].

The changes unfortunately include quite some new strings and touch some
important bits of the UI, but I think they're worth it and I would like
to merge them for next Monday's beta, so I am here requesting a freeze
break for these changes.

Code can be found at [2].

[1] http://people.gnome.org/~cosimoc/documents-3-4/
[2] http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-documents/log/?h=wip/ui-changes


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