Hi all,

We have recently realized (thanks to Dominique Leuenberger from
openSUSE) that the icons we are using in the WebKit inspector are not
free because the license doesn't allow to redistribute them. We are
currently working on a solution for new and previous releases, and we
will send an email soon with the details and instructions for
downstream. But in the meantime we wanted to make an unstable release for
GNOME before the final stable next week. I've just released WebKitGTK+
2.5.90, without the apple icons and with some of them replaced by free
icons (mostly adwaita icons, some of them adapted by Andrés for the
inspector). This makes the inspector kind of usable. Our plan is to have
a replacement for every icon before the stable release next week (any
help in that regard would be very appreciated, of course), and then make
also a new 2.4 release without UI regressions.

More details in:

So, I'm requesting a freeze break to add the new 2.5.90 release to the
jhbuild moduleset.

But that's not all . . . I made a last minute API change, that should
only affect epiphany, so I also need to fix ephy (bump requirements
and adapt to the API change).

The WebKit bug:

The ephy bug:

I'm really sorry about this :-( but hopefully we will be able to fix
everything in time for 3.14.

Carlos Garcia Campos
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