2018-03-05 9:42 GMT+01:00 Arnaud Bonatti <arnaud.bona...@gmail.com>:
> Hello everybody! Reviewing translations of the “dconf-editor” module I
> maintain, I’ve discovered that I had a string generation problem: in
> the gschema file, four strings contains line breaks, but these line
> breaks doesn’t finish in the po files, and so the translations made by
> translators do not finish in the application. So sad. :·( That has
> been reported in the Bugzilla instance by Piotr Drąg[1] against GLib
> using another module as example.
> So. I’m not sure if I’m in a “string freeze break request” case or not
> (I don’t find my exact case in the Wiki[2]), but I have two
> proposition for fixing these bug-ly untranslated strings:

I’d say this is covered by “Marking a message for translation that was
previously not marked for translation by accident.” Even though the
string was technically translatable, the translation couldn’t be used.

>  – Proposition 1: fix the string generation using “&#xA;&#xA;” in the
> gschema file, and let translators redo the translations;
>  – Proposition 2: replace the two line breaks by one space, so that
> all translations already done work, but without any line break (and
> I’d change the strings next cycle for what is wanted).

In a perfect world, we would fix bug #793931 properly. As we live in
this world, I think proposition 2 is the best solution for 3.28, and
we can deal with the bigger problem in 3.30. The decision is yours,

> I had also planned a 1bis proposition, where I fix the gschema file
> and all the translations in one patch, avoiding work from translators,
> but following previous discussion, that’s probably not a path I can
> follow. ;)

The difference is that this would be a change (presumably) consulted
with and approved by the translation teams, which makes it OK. :P

> Anyway, should I do something, or not, and if yes what? That’s not an
> important change, but for now translators are working on strings that
> doesn’t appear, and that lost time makes me sad. :·(

I would like to say that I really appreciate your concern!

Best regards,

Piotr Drąg
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