oops! I think I just messed up, I thought I had pulled, and I didn't and
then I just pushed the tag and not the branch, I was too focused on trying
to fix the ssh problem and did not do due diligence :/

I think the best way forward is to take master, bump the meson.build file
to 3.36.1 and issue another release to get the latest translations and let
the tagged .0 linger?

Sorry about this folks.

PS: (it occurs to me that we should not allow pushing version tags on
commits that are not on a branch?)

El vie., 6 mar. 2020 a las 0:53, Michael Catanzaro (<mcatanz...@gnome.org>)

> On Fri, Mar 6, 2020 at 12:13 am, Alberto Ruiz <ar...@gnome.org> wrote:
> > In the meantime, I already tagged 3.36.0, if somebody can dist and
> > release I'd appreciate it.
> I see it's not on any branch? :(

Alberto Ruiz
Release-team lurker? Do NOT participate in discussions.

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