On Monday 03 September 2007 02:11:06 Allen Winter wrote:
> There are several issues:
>  1) people with limited experience trying to fix non-trivial stuff and
> making things worse 2) people fixing trivial stuff which causes lots of
> extra recompiles 3) people getting their hands in places they don't
> belong

I agree with this;
the mindset is still very much on polish before the codebase closes.  
Never mind we froze some time ago, people are still doing it.
With krazy showing all this low hanging fruit people get an urgency 
of "Oh, there is so much left to do!" but its all of the wrong kind. In 
the end people apparently become quite bad at simple procrastination :)

so shutting down at least the discovery of bugs that are not relevant in 
this phase of development (freeze and all) makes sense, and can be 
explained to people under the guise of; what use is it to report bugs 
that you shouldn't be fixing right now anyway.
Thomas Zander

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