On Tuesday, 25. September 2007, Albert Astals Cid wrote:

> And if that's still not clear, that can well be because doing complex
> sentences in english is not my strong point, i'll rephrase it.
> I have "hope" we can have them "working" for KDE 4.0

I still don't get it. KDEPim 4. was not declared a show stopper for 4.0 
before. I agree that bugs in the libraries that are possibly exposed by 
kmail, but maybe also by other applications have to be fixed. but that is not 
the same level as saying "kmail is a ship stopper". 

There is nobody working on KDE Pim for 4.0, and with nobody working on it, the 
amount of time needed for getting it ready is definitely unpredictable. 

BTW: last time I tried to use kmail from KDE 4.0, it deleted all my folders. I 
was not too happy about that. (but I've learned meanwhile that for kmail, its 
always good to have backups). 

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