Op donderdag 22 mei 2008 12:13 schreef u:
> On Thursday 22 May 2008 06:03:15 Matt Rogers wrote:
> > On Wednesday 21 May 2008 09:16:01 am Allen Winter wrote:
> > > Howdy,
> > >
> > > To avoid future confusion, rdale and I have added a new milestone
> > > to the 4.1 Release Plan [1] specifying a milestone for a bindings freeze:
> > >
> > > 8 July: No new additions to the language bindings, except optional
> > > bindings as permitting by the kde-bindings team.
> > >
> > > This is also the date of the artwork freeze and the RC1 tagging
> > > and just 2 weeks before KDE 4.1.
> > >
> > > Please let me know about concerns or objections ASAP.
> > Why do we need this? Bindings are code. Adding new bindings is the same as
> > adding new features from my POV. This is quite useless and just adds even
> > more overhead for developers to remember and the release team to manage.
> On the other hand, bindings are kind of "downstream" to us. They can only be 
> done once our interfaces are stable (which happens by means of freeze). So if 
> we don't allow bindings developers a longer open trunk, we'd force them to 
> chase a moving target and to stop working when they can finish off their 
> work.
> IMO, that grants an exemption. Bindings are just "special". :)


They should be able to work on it up to the actual release.

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