On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 08:43:11 pm Dirk Mueller wrote:
> Whats the underlying reason for pulling it into a git repository
> instead of leaving it where it was the last few years?

Because I believe HEAD should be a persistent stable rolling
release URL (always summer in trunk principle) with experiments
in branches. Managing branches with git is much easier than svn.

> commits are still open to 3.5 branch, thats really unrelated to
> if the 3.5 branch will ever be *released* again. 

There seems to be quite some reluctance to allow anything much
other than bugfixes and some, apparently, would like to see the
3.5 branch officially EOL'd sooner than later. We're prepared to
put some effort and resources into making sure it retains some
viability and vitality for at least another 12 months.


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