On Sunday 02 November 2008 06:29:23 Allen Winter wrote:
> Howdy,
> Here are the Release Goals for 4.2.
> Please send me an update on them:  keep;  remove; move to 4.3 Goals
> Also, please send me any 4.3 Goals that you have.
> * KDevelop and KDevplatform modules
> ^^ late, but will sorta be part of 4.2.  right?
> * Decibel VOIP and real-time communication framework

keep, i think. Other people are more knowledgeable about this than I am 
though. Note that nothing in a KDE/* module uses Decibel yet, that i'm aware 

> * Plasmagik plasma packages and add-on creator
> * More polished Kopete
> ^^ looks done to me

move to 4.3 Goals. The polish comes from an model-based contact list and 
some better graphics. We have fixed quite a few bugs though.
> * [http://kblogger.pwsp.net KBlogger] for KDE-PIM
> ^^^ Move to 4.3 goals
> * Eigen 2 in kdesupport, use it in edu/office/games
> ^^ done, right?
> * Lots of smaller features
> ^^ of course
> * Modal (VI like) editing in Kate/KDevelop
> ^^ definitely lots of work here.  so keep

Totally. It's actually quite nice. :)

> * Much improved Ark
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