Op Wednesday 03 December 2008 23:17 schreef u:
> Hi,
> I know we haven't implemented the whole "always summer in trunk" scheme, but I
> wonder if we can go ahead and branch KDE 4.2 and reopen trunk. Just for kopete
> alone, I have 3 patches, and a whole new protocol support plugin to integrate
> and I'm sure other projects would benefit from this as well.
> Thoughts?

The problem is that we are only setup to handle two active branches for the 
translations. Currently 4.1 and 4.2, if we branch off 4.2, we need to setup a 
third branch for translations.

That said, I really think we should think about the 4.1.4 release, who are we 
actually going to do a pleasure with that release? 4.2 is around the corner and 
is so much better than a possible 4.1.4. Are  trunk bugfixes being backported 
to the branch currently and tested over there? I don't think a lot of 
developers are testing that branch anymore. Our users are probably best served 
with a rocking 4.2.  I'm not going to fight for this idea, it is just my 
opinion. Adventurous users can go to 4.2 beta1, stable users are already served 
with 4.1.3.

So, just in my personal opinion, we can drop 4.1.4 and spent our energy to 

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