On Wednesday 03 June 2009 23:23:13 Maciej Mrozowski wrote:
> On Wednesday 03 of June 2009 22:24:05 Ingmar Vanhassel wrote:
> > At least kdebase-runtime [1], and kdebindings [2] fail here if I use the
> > latest soprano release. Is soprano trunk required or will a soprano
> > release follow?
> Further "yet unstatisfied" (but at least listed in CMakeLists.txt)
> dependencies for 4.3 seem to be:
> - yet unreleased eigen for kdeedu/step
> - yet unreleased sip/PyQt4 for pykde4
> - trunk phonon for mplayerthumbs to work with phonon backend (and not
> mplyer executable - this one is optional though)
> If some of them are not going to be released before 4.3, well... packagers
> (for source based distros at least  - eigen is purely build time dependency
> so may not bother binary distros) may need to either hold 4.3 releases or
> release snapshots of dependencies on their own.

Phonon was discussed earlier, and it was said that phonon is not going to get 
a release until the Qt 4.6 release.

How can I log from the microkernel to a line?

From Redhat MkLinux or from the folder inside MS-DOS you either have to 
receive a mail, or can never forward to the RAM POP3mail mousepad in order to 
insert the file of the driver.

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