On Tuesday 23 June 2009 11:11:56 Dirk Mueller wrote:
> Tonight we plan to tag RC1 according to the schedule. I'd plan to do that
> tomorrow morning.
> I need your help in assessing the current status:
> a) are all dependent projects (akonadi,phonon and various libs) ready for a
> release?

Akonadi is ready to be branched and released.

> b) do we branch? it was my understanding based on the discussions that we
> want to branch before this years akademy. I would like to start to branch
> then to /branches/KDE/4.3 and tag the RC from there.
> c) announce to kde-cvs-announce when the branching happened and what the
> next steps are. I would like to avoid branching l10n-kde4 for now, but that
> means that we have to change the documentation externals again, or hope
> that nobody touches the documentation after branching. Any comments?
> d) kdepim tarball splitting is now finalized?


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