On Wednesday 02 September 2009 08:40:06 you wrote:
> On Tuesday 01 September 2009 22:40:40 Pierre Schmitz wrote:
> > Did anyone else notice that kdeutils and kdemultimedia both provide
> > /usr/share/apps/profiles/kscd.profile.xml? Is there a reason for this?
> > This is different from 4.3.0 and creates a file conflict between those
> > modules.
> mzanetti added it in kdelirc some days ago
> http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/4.3/kdeutils/kdelirc/profiles/kscd.profi
> le.xml?view=log

Sorry... I thought this file was only floating around here on my system and 
was missing in svn. Didn't know that is gets delivered with kscd.

However, I removed it again. Will check better next time.


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