Op Saturday 27 March 2010 23:29 schreef u:
> I strongly want to see an API freeze kick in at this time too. No more 
> changes to APIs or header files (except docs) after this date, including 
> older APIs and newly introduced libraries/APIs. I, and I think the other 
> bindings people really need to have solid (not shifting!) ground to work 
> on at this time in the schedule. Even minor changes which are often easy 
> enough to fix, cause problems by breaking builds requiring new tarballs 
> or packages to be made etc etc.

Good idea.

If that would make the creation of tarballs for kde-bindings module less 
painful, I think everyone agrees. I suggest we try this out this cycle and see 
how it works out. I've added the API-Freeze to the schedule.

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