On Monday 17 May 2010 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> What is so hard about migrating config data? At least the account setup
>  doesn't look too complicated to the naive me.

Migrating config data is very hard. You have to deal with an awful lot of 
details, weird setups, configs which were migrated over many years again and 
again, and you have to get it 100% right, otherwise users will be annoyed. 
It's also tremendously hard to test as you usually don't have access to a wide 
variety of test configs, and developers don't notice issues, as they do the 
migration of their own data only once.

So this needs a lot of hardening, and a lot of attention to details. We should 
really take the time to do it properly. Any problems with that will badly 
reflect on Akonadi, which we really have to avoid. The current opinion of 
Akonadi is already bad enough.

Cornelius Schumacher <schumac...@kde.org>
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