On Monday 17 January 2011, Ian Monroe wrote:
> So as we agreed last month, we are moving kdelibs and kdebase to git
> after 4.6.0 tagging. Is that still happening this week?
> Anyways, when that happens we'll need to have a "KDE Project Manager"
> (or better: multiple) for projects.kde.org. This person has the power
> to delete branches, but probably more relevant then that, can set
> which branches should be actively translated.
> The repos I'm creating are: kdebase-apps, kdebase-runtime,
> kdebase-workspace, and konsole.
> Logically I think a combination of the (entire?) release team and i18n
> admins should have this position, and then also Knight for Konsole.
> Currently the function performed by the KDE Project Manager is done by
> the i18n people, but Redmine could give us more flexibility I guess.

You could add me as project manager for kdelibs and kde-baseapps, I guess.

David Faure, fa...@kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org).
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