El Dilluns, 4 de juny de 2012, a les 23:17:25, Philip Muskovac va escriure:
> Hi,

> we just got pointed to the fact that in the 4.8.3 release the french kstars
> documentation was removed [1]. That was done in svn rev 1292134 as it
> doesn't seem to build anymore.
> While we appreciate that you're trying to give us packagers working
> translations, please don't just drop things in a point release. If things
> break due to a change please at least ship the last working version instead
> as this now counts as a regression from 4.8.2. I've filed a bug [2] about
> this and would appreciate it if this could be fixed in 4.6.4 if still
> possible.

Yes, I understand that what you suggest would be the desired thing, but 
unfortunately due to how our docbook generation system works it's not 
easy/trivial to do so.

So unless you are volunteering to help improve the situation that's probably 
something we'll have to live with.


> Thanks,
> Philip
> [1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdeedu/+bug/1008729
> [2] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=301180
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