On 07/05/2012 12:51 PM, Michael Jansen wrote:

 > Also, *before* you start doing partial releases, please present an exact

 > definition of the dependencies *between versions*.

As i see that you are on the release-team list. May i ask why you voice
your objections the exact same moment someone wants to try something we
discussed here on the list for quite some time instead of actively
participating this to the discussion before?

So, one the one hand, I do applaud you for your efforts to make things suck less release-wise. Really, really, really I do. you rock.

On the other hand, I (among at least one other in this recent thread) was too busy to chime in earlier. Yeah, I suck for that. Boo on me.

But, there was a difference between the brainstorming and *just* talk, and then moving to the next step(s) and actually doing it. at that point, folks waved flags that the a proposed change could have bad side-effects that affect them directly.

Sorry for that.  Please be patient.  have I mentioned you rock?

-- rex
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