On Thursday 12 July 2012 23:23:39 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> El Dijous, 12 de juliol de 2012, a les 17:06:12, Allen Winter va escriure:
> > On Thursday, July 12, 2012 08:43:12 PM Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> > > == Note 2 ==
> > > There is a suggestion that every feature commit should have an
> > > associated
> > > bug number so it can be better tracked. Someone suggests trying with
> > > frameworks when its more ready
> > 
> > I wonder if we could make special Big Feature "Bugs" on bugzilla and then
> > create the feature list web page from a query of those "bugs"??
> > 
> > Each of these big features would have a milestone release number.
> > 
> > yes.. I sorta like this idea.
> > 
> > Thoughts?
> The idea is cool, problem is always forcing people to follow it :D
random ideas to get devs motivated:
* don't mention features not listed in the release announcments
* don't list them in commit-digest
* don't include them in quality team checks and make that team rock so that 
devs see the advantage to have them test their new features
* once soft freeze is in place use git-hook to enforce that commits need a bug 
number (either it's a bugfix or it's a feature which needs to be listed in 

Some of these could be done already in 4.10, but for e.g. git hooks we should 
give the devs at least one cycle to adjust to the new way.


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