On Thursday, December 27, 2012 23:42:15 Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> El Dijous, 27 de desembre de 2012, a les 16:16:55, Allen Winter va escriure:
> > On Thursday 27 December 2012 11:57:28 AM Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > Gwenview version number is 2.x.y, where x.y follows KDE SC 4.x.y
> > > (meaning
> > > KDE SC 4.9.5 ships Gwenview 2.9.5).
> > >
> > > Until now we have been using Gwenview version numbers for Bugzilla
> > > FIXED-IN
> > > fields but it has been brought to my attention that doing so means
> > > Gwenview
> > > fixes do not get listed in the Bugzilla link.
> > >
> > > We could get rid of the notion of Gwenview version numbers and just use
> > > KDE SC version numbers, but I don't think this would work for example
> > > for
> > > KMail.
> >
> > For the record, most kdepim apps use the same version number as KDE SC.
> > Including KMail2, KOrganizer, Akregator, KAddressbook...
> >
> > > Is there an established policy for this?
> >
> > Not to my knowledge.
> >
> > > Should we use KDE SC version numbers in the FIXED-IN field?
> >
> > Good question.
> >
> > The definition of "Version Fixed In" is "A custom Free Text field in this
> > installation of KDE Bugtracking System." Therefore, you could put the KDE
> > SC version *and* the Gwenview version both.
> The problem with this is that then the bugzilla query we use to create "the
> changelog" won't work,
> You could argue that this is the fault of the query not being good enough,
> and i'd agree, but not sure how we can improve this situation.

We can instead query the git repository directly for commit messages
containing '^BUG: ' or '^FIXED-IN:' (and its alternates) within the commits
between the old and new version.

There's an existing script which figures out how to generate a changelog from
the old XML based on a version number which would probably be easy to adapt
(and I'd even volunteer to do it, if that would be helpful). The question
would be what type of output is needed to make this easy to use (e.g. list of
bugs, or ?)

 - Michael Pyne

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