El Dimarts, 13 de maig de 2014, a les 22:51:28, Luc Menut va escriure:
> Le 13/05/2014 01:34, Albert Astals Cid a écrit :
> > El Divendres, 9 de maig de 2014, a les 16:45:16, Albert Astals Cid va
> > 
> > escriure:
> >> Hi the 4.13.1 packages are at they usual location.
> >> 
> > 
> > I've updated the kde-runtime package due to the cmake dependency issue.
> > 
> > b013884675e8b21546466919a6a73df6a36a3555
> > be5a3bf495e9d47c6517ed948cc50e1e61d1f677c4b8168a0dad341fe4ad3e51
> > sources/kde-runtime-4.13.1.tar.xz
> I've just downloaded 4.13.1 packages from master.kde.org;
> kde-runtime-4.13.1.tar.xz doesn't match this sha256 hash, nor the sha1
> sum from www.kde.org/info/4.13.1.php.
> kde-runtime-4.13.1.tar.xz on master seems to be the original package.
> sha256sum kde-runtime-4.13.1.tar.xz
> 7fe065b0581cce4a5db340449a407150b3eaaadbf4b14e795c0d841e4bf08b4d
> kde-runtime-4.13.1.tar.xz
> sha1sum kde-runtime-4.13.1.tar.xz
> 99fb55a9c12cb7f787bd848b1a9fff2bef0d42db  kde-runtime-4.13.1.tar.xz
> kde-runtime-4.13.1.tar.xz    09-May-2014 11:48     7861232

You are right, as said on this list i repackaged kde-runtime yesterday but 
then forgot to upload it to the server ^_^

Thanks a lot for being throguh in your checks :)

Other packagers, please grab the new kde-runtime-4.13.1.tar.xz that should now 
match the information i have given you.


> regards,
> Luc

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