El Dimarts, 3 de març de 2015, a les 01:01:49, Aleix Pol va escriure:
> Or we can learn from this and next time come up with schedules that
> don't make the whole KDE Applications miss on a KF5 release for a week
> on Beta1. We want application developers to work on frameworks after
> all, no?

Well, given that Frameworks releases monthly we will always "miss" a release 
by at ~2 weeks by definition :D
> To be honest, it never occurred to me that KF 5.8 (released in March
> 12th) wouldn't be allowed in 15.04.

Well there was a reminder of the freeze to kde-cvs-announce, I'd like to know 
what more we are supposed to do to have people notice. Ideas?

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