On Thursday 18 June 2015 00:19:47 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> I've seen so much energy wasted in KDE for a lack of clear decision-making
> process, and we have been through multiple iterations of trying to fix it
> (the Technical Working Group, for example), and we haven't found a better
> model. It's a hard problem, and we haven't solved it, maybe it's
> unsolvable, but it should be OK to ask someone to apply the "trust model",
> even in case of disagreement, especially when the opinions are so clearly
> telling us. How many more emails that all say essentially the same are we
> going to waste on this? It's not a productive thing, and hasn't been for a
> while (no new arguments coming to the table), and it's starting to get
> harmful.

Taking difficult decisions sometimes is painful, there is no way around that. 
I actually consider it a strength that we go through that and don't take a 
quick decision just to quiet the discussion. The end result will be better.

My feeling is that we are approaching the end of what is possible to 
productively discuss via email. Maybe we should plan a session at Akademy to 
have a face-to-face discussion. If this is prepared a bit, it might be the 
chance to find the good solution Kevin was alluding to, the one which is still 
hiding somewhere.

Cornelius Schumacher <schumac...@kde.org>
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