El Dilluns, 20 de juliol de 2015, a les 06:45:17, laurent Montel va escriure:
> Le Sunday 19 July 2015, 23:37:05 Albert Astals Cid a écrit :
> > El Diumenge, 19 de juliol de 2015, a les 23:23:37, laurent Montel va
> escriure:
> > > Le Sunday 19 July 2015, 20:22:11 Albert Astals Cid a écrit :
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > > 8 months ago we started releasing kdepim from the KDE/4.14 branch
> > > > because
> > > > you guys wanted, some kind of LTS-ish without really being LTS.
> > > > 
> > > > Now at some point in the last cycle there were some emails to some
> > > > lists
> > > > and some blogs in the planet about kdepim & friends getting ready for
> > > > a
> > > > KF5 release.
> > > > 
> > > > There was no email to the release-team list asking to stop releasing
> > > > KDE/4.14 and releasing master, but "oh well" I thought, let's pretend
> > > > they
> > > > did.
> > > 
> > > It's stopped by default when we release official kf5 no ? As for others
> > > program no ?
> > 
> > Being part of the KDE Applications release has nothing to do with being or
> > not being based on KF5.
> > 
> > You guys just decided to stop on KDE/4.14 for some reason I never
> > understood.
> ?
> Why we will continue to work on KDE/4.14 when we focus on kf5 ?

Again there is noone working on the KDE/4.14 branches except kdepim*.

You don't seem to understand what KDE Applications is about.

KDE Applications is about giving our users the best experience they can get, 
it can be based on kdelibs4 or KF5, that doesn't matter.

So the fact that Applications/14.12 or Applications/15.04 or 
Applications/15.08 exists for a repository doesn't mean anything other than 
there's 3 stable branches and a master branch.

I've explained it to you guys in the past and you didn't seem to understand 
it, since I'm explaining it the same way, I'm not sure I'll help making you 
understand it.

But anyway this is not the critical issue here.

> (As you know the number of dev kdepim are 1 or 2 or max 4 and I don't have
> time to maintain kde4.14 and port all kdepim kf5...)

This is interesting because you say you don't have time but still there's lots 
of commits to KDE/4.14 branches of kdepim* by you :)

> > > > But then I had a look at the kdepim build.kde.org job seems to depend
> > > > on
> > > > a
> > > > bazillion of unreleased things, like akonadi, akonadi-calendar, prison
> > > > (frameworks branch!), kmailtransport, akonadi-search, kholidays,
> > > > syndication, kimap and I guess more but I stopped looking.
> > > > 
> > > > So I guess you guys still want to release the KDE/4.14 branches for
> > > > kdepim*, right?
> > > 
> > > No we want to release kf5 release.
> > 
> > Being the guy that creates the packages, that is pretty surprising since
> > this is the first news i have in the release-team list.
> > 
> > How was I supposed to know you want to be part of the release?
> Ok we (perhaps me) forgot to send a message to release-team, but I didn't
> hide it ? I wrote a lot of blog about it, we decided it on april in sprint
> kdepim in toulouse  and we wrote an email in mailing list.
> Ok we forgot to send email to you.

It's a small but important detail, tell the release people you want to be part 
of the release.

> > I don't even have a clue of what repositories are supposed to be part of
> > the release.
> Kdepim/akonadi/akonadi-search/kdepim-runtime/kdepimlibs
> Gpgmepp/kblog/kcontacts/kidentitymanagement/kmailtransport/kontactinterface
> syndication/akonadi-calendar/kalarmcal/kcalutils/kldap/kmime/ktnef/kcalcore/
> kholidays/kimap/kmbox/kpimtextedit/kxmlrpcclient

akonadi is part of kdesupport, we don't release kdesupport repositories as 
part of KDE Applications. 

akonadi-search is part of playground, we don't release playground repositories 
as part of KDE Applications. 


> > Also you have unreleased dependencies, at least prison and akonadi.
> Akonadi is as the others kdepim package it's the last one.
> Ok Dan could you told us which is the last package please ?
> Prison... I never used it it's optional so it's not a problem.
> > The
> > dependency freeze was last week.
> > 
> > Salut,
> > 
> >   Albert
> >   
> > > Regards.
> > > 
> > > > Salut,
> > > > 
> > > >   Albert
> > > > 
> > > > _______________________________________________
> > > > KDE PIM mailing list kde-...@kde.org
> > > > https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-pim
> > > > KDE PIM home page at http://pim.kde.org/

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