On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 5:18 PM, Albert Astals Cid <aa...@kde.org> wrote:
> El Dijous, 30 de juliol de 2015, a les 12:54:01, Jeremy Whiting va escriure:
>> Albert,
>> I've given this problem a bit of thought since you pasted your
>> frustration to me the day 15.08 beta release started (and since the
>> original e-mail here). I think fundamentally the problem is that
>> there's nobody responsible for each module anymore. We have a list of
>> "Module Coordinators" here:
>> https://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Release_Team that is mostly obsolete
>> and we don't really have a mechanism in place for replacing people
>> there who have left. I'm not suggesting we adopt a top-down heirarchy
>> for KDE Applications, but it would be good to have someone specific
>> for each module to poke when things aren't ready at release time (or
>> any other time tbh). A few names on that list are quite good and
>> current, while others have left quite a while ago. For example I don't
>> think Gunnar is the one to poke if something in kdeaccessibility is
>> broken for some reason. I've e-mailed him a bit about KMail and after
>> sending 3 mails over 6 months I got one reply back. We need people on
>> that list that are around, available and can fix things in their
>> respective areas or can poke someone they know who can. When kdepim
>> didn't build or wasn't ready (not all git repos were even in the right
>> place in projects, etc.) did you try poking Allen? Would he know who
>> to poke if he was asked (I really don't know, not anything against
>> Allen, but the pim effort lately seems to have been all Laurent and
>> Daniel)? If we have people who are present and aware of their module's
>> current contents for each module we then have a release "Team" rather
>> than a release-Albert :) Anyway I suggest the following:
>> 1) Define what module coordinators responsibility is and what is
>> expected of them.
> I'd say this is on the webpage more or less, no? Anything you think may need
> adding/removing?

Yes, that makes sense what's there already. I admit I haven't read
that page all the way through in quite some time :/ it does cover all
the things I was thinking of.

>> 2) Ask the people on the module coordinator list if they want to be
>> coordinators still (and explain what is expected of module
>> coordinators).
> I just did that today.

Ok, great.

>> 3) Create a mechanism for replacing module coordinators that leave or
>> fail to perform their responsibilities.
>> The last one I'm not so sure about how to handle. I can think of
>> having a volunteering situation, and if nobody volunteers we could
>> consider retiring the module altogether or putting it on life
>> support/LTS. (maybe kdemultimedia is headed there? dunno). Once we
>> have a definition of what's required and such it shouldn't be hard to
>> define rules for when someone should be phased out. Something like if
>> the coordinator is unreachable for X days or weeks on urgent issues
>> they get retired from the spot and replaced by someone that can handle
>> the responsibilities?
> For the email i sent today I said that if I don't get and answer in two months
> I'll assume it's a no.
> Thanks for giving it a thought, it seems we reached at least a similar
> conclusion is that the list needed updating :)

Yeah, I think having defunct/missing module coordinators has been a
big problem in the past. Hopefully it will get better as we are able
to get more of a team.


> Cheers,
>   Albert
>> BR,
>> Jeremy
>> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 5:07 AM, Albert Astals Cid <aa...@kde.org> wrote:
>> > El Diumenge, 1 de març de 2015, a les 23:00:40, Albert Astals Cid va
>> >
>> > escriure:
>> >> I don't know how to fix it, I am not even sure what's wrong, but this was
>> >>
>> >> supposed to be a release team, and to me it seems that it's me being the
>> >> bad
>> >>
>> >> guy and everyone else just pushing in for their own agenda.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Of course this may be my own perception of the thing, but it's affecting
>> >> my
>> >>
>> >> mood and willigness to work on stuff so I decided it made sense to bring
>> >> it
>> >>
>> >> up.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Some days this week i really wanted to step down for 15.04 but at the end
>> >> i
>> >>
>> >> convinced myself it's too close and I don't want to leave anyone with no
>> >>
>> >> floor to stand on.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> But we need to make this work better for my sanity for 15.08 otherwise
>> >> I'm
>> >>
>> >> out.
>> >
>> > Sadly this did not work out for KDE Applications 15.08 and we had the
>> > same/similar issues like the ones we had with KDE Applications 15.04 and
>> > my
>> > mood/motivation/happyness went to hell again.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > This can't continue much.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Release Team members of each module, please make sure you keep your module
>> > apps and developers informed about freezes and try to make my life easier.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> >
>> > Albert
>> >
>> >> Does anyone have any magic solution?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Cheers,
>> >>
>> >> Albert
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
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