On Saturday, 17 September 2016 00:01:59 CEST Ben Cooksley wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 11:10 PM, Luigi Toscano
> <luigi.tosc...@tiscali.it> wrote:
> > On Friday, 16 September 2016 23:04:38 CEST Ben Cooksley wrote:
> >> On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 10:55 PM, Luigi Toscano
> >> 
> >> <luigi.tosc...@tiscali.it> wrote:
> >> > On Friday, 16 September 2016 22:52:32 CEST Ben Cooksley wrote:
> >> >> Hi all,
> >> >> 
> >> >> It seems that KDE PIM, despite being part of the Applications release,
> >> >> doesn't align it's internal version numbers with the rest of the
> >> >> Applications release.
> >> >> 
> >> >> This causes issues - as we've received complaints about various
> >> >> products (all being PIM products) missing versions on bugs.kde.org,
> >> >> due to this mismatch. It's also confusing for users.
> >> >> 
> >> >> Can PIM please fall in line with the rest of Applications?
> >> > 
> >> > I don't think this is required: many pieces of Applications uses a
> >> > different internal version. I'd really like to have this not enforced.
> >> 
> >> I'd like to see it enforced.
> >> See https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=335654#c7 for the confusion
> >> created (and Sysadmin effort taken).
> > 
> > I understand it takes effort, but I strongly disagree with the enforcing.
> > 
> >> It also means that the process of releasing applications can't be
> >> automated to create all the necessary versions, so someone has to do
> >> it manually.
> >> And chances are, it ain't going to be the application maintainer.
> > 
> > The versions are defined in each repository; they can be extracted (by the
> > CI, by some other script) and compared with the list of available version
> > for each component. I.e. it can be automated even with different internal
> > versions.
> How would you version the tags in such a misaligned world?
> At the moment it's very confusing as to what the version is - what the
> Application says it is or what the general release umbrella says it
> is.

I don't see how it affects the tag. The tag is the global one for 
Applications, the internal version 
<application> --version or the about info shows the version.

> For that reason i'd very much like to see it harmonized.

The problem here is to have an easy way to update the version data on 
bugzilla. I think that this can be automated.


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