Il 10.05.2019 08:37 Paul Brown ha scritto:

On viernes, 10 de mayo de 2019 1:13:49 (CEST) Jonathan Riddell wrote:

I'd like to propose renaming KDE Applications to KDE Apps Bundle. We've
had discussion on it here [1] The
rationale is that KDE Applications is confusing as there are KDE
applications which are not part of KDE Applications. Bundle is
understandable as a collection of different bits. Also Apps and Bundle
are cooler more fashionable terms. This would be from the next major
19.08 release. Jonathan

Although I don't feel strongly about this, because I think a drawn out discussion about the topic would be the epitome of bikeshedding, it is a
from me FWIW.

The suggested name is friendly and nicely informal, which I think will
make it
easier to "sell" to a larger number of people (hence would make my job
too). It is also quite specific, as it is not "Apps Bundle", but "KDE
Bundle" -- using the brand in the name makes a difference with regards to

No, sorry. "KDE Applications" has the brand in its name, but it is still generic.

Unless someone has data-based reasons for not changing, I am for it.

I may request the same regarding "Apps Bundle" being distinguishable enough compared to "KDE Applications". I fail to see your point as convincing enough. I strongly believe that a totally generic ("KDE fritzsomething") would be more useful, should we change this name,

Can you please spend one month on #kde and the KDE-related support channel of the distributions and see how and what people ask for when they look for "applications" and "KDE"?


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