On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 08:35:05PM +0200, Matthieu Gallien wrote:
> Hello,
> Sorry for my very late answer.
> On Friday, August 2, 2019 2:31:21 AM CEST Michael Pyne wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 01, 2019 at 02:55:16PM -0600, Nate Graham wrote:
> > > On 7/28/19 3:06 AM, Matthieu Gallien wrote:
> > > > Hello,
> > > > 
> > > > After discussion in Elisa mailing list, we would like to know if it
> > > > would be possible to integrate Elisa in the KDE Applications Multimedia
> > > > module.
> > > > 
> > > > We hope that would allow to have more regular and predictable releases
> > > > for
> > > > Elisa. That should help potential contributors know when their
> > > > contribution
> > > > will be released to users.
> > > > 
> > > > We would use the KDE Applications version to lower the maintenance
> > > > burden.
> > > > 
> > > > What do you think ?
> > 
> > As the maintainer of one of the existing KDE Multimedia applications, I
> > think it would be a fine idea to integrate Elisa, if nothing else to
> > help add some vitality to the overall suite of multimedia apps.
> Maybe we could also ask the promo team some help here ?

It could help, but as with everything we do, we would also need to have
the time and willingness to be able to describe to promo team what we'd
want to achieve, and how we'd be able to help to achieve that
(improvements to the app, helping to build a strong user community, or

> > I haven't been able to run Elisa yet but it's already in Extragear and
> > being actively developed so I think this would be mostly the matter of
> > integrating it into KDE Applications releases.
> > 
> > Does anyone know if there are additional review requirements for modules
> > to go from Extragear to Applications?
> I was not able to come to Akademy and I am not sure I have understood the 
> plan 
> for the releases of applications made by KDE.
> Is something needed to do to integrate Elisa in the future coordinated 
> releases ?
> Can I help achieve that ?

So I found the page I was thinking of, at

If I'm understanding it right, the fact that Elisa is in Extragear means
it's already been through the review and incubation process described
at the link above. That would mean the only 'permission' needed would be
the module coordinator for the module you'd want to join
(kde-multimedia, here).

So the question is "who's the coordinator"... and I'm not entirely sure!
I think Harald Sitter has been most active, between Phonon and other
multimedia components, but I don't know if we've even needed a
coordinator recently. If Harald volunteers I'll defer to him. If not I
think we should email release-team@kde.org and I can volunteer to help
with shepherding over into kde-multimedia.

 - Michael Pyne

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