On Tuesday, 5 October 2021 19:55:46 CEST, Julius Künzel wrote:
the 21.08.2 source packages for Kdenlive contain a regression where some files are installed in the wrong place and consequently are not found by the software (thanks to Antonio Rojas for the hint). This has been fixed now with https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kdenlive/-/commit/

@Heiko please update the Kdenlive release tarballs

Sure, done:

kdenlive release/21.08
f59c3749f1432cf04151a657a7e345ac45f76e75dbc7a3d411b31dd93430a183 kdenlive-21.08.2.tar.xz

There's also an updated marble tarball with a build fix for gpsd 3.23.1:

marble release/21.08
aa57a65e0c20e9c63b9cf4c1ce0c0da9fc4517c95a6a71151b19613f81e40dd1 marble-21.08.2.tar.xz

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