El dijous, 17 de febrer de 2022, a les 21:16:30 (CET), Carl Schwan va escriure:
> Hi :)
> Could we get Kalendar inside KDE Gear? Kalendar is mostly stabilized
> and need a fast release cycle anymore. 

I am guessing you forgot a "doesn't" before that "need a fast", right?

> More importantly, having our
> release in sync with KDE PIM will help a lot in making sure that
> a KDE PIM minor release won't break Kalendar silently and this would
> also, allow us to move the new reminder service to Akonadi-calendar
> and to share it with KOrganizer.
> See https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-pim/2022-February/048374.html

What's the plan for automatically increaseasing version numbers if it it's 
released with KDE Gear?


> Cheers,
> Carl

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