On Wed, Jan 3, 2024 at 3:59 AM Albert Astals Cid <aa...@kde.org> wrote:

> We have two options:
>  * Do it before RC1
>  * Do it after RC1
> Doing it before RC1 has the benefit that we start testing things that may
> break because of the new branch existing (CI, translations, etc).
> But since some of those will actually break we should do it relatively
> before
> the release that is on the 10th of January, so i'd vote this Friday the
> latest.
> Doing it before the RC1 has the issue that we allow Qt6 porting up to RC1
> and
> Qt6 porting is usually quite big and one would not want to have to mess
> with
> branches when doing big changes.
> Given that we have a RC2, i'd personally vote for branching [just] after
> RC1.
> What do you all think?

>From a CI perspective we have yet to set up any stable seed jobs for Qt 6,
which while fairly straightforward to do still requires a bit of setup work
to complete.

There are some changes to the CI system waiting in the wings (primarily
going to affect FreeBSD, but there is some impact to Linux too) however
those shouldn't make any difference to when RC1 branches.

> Cheers,
>   Albert


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