Well, strikes me that the issue is less hatred than anger. And, I ask, as I do my students, what is it about this entire issue, and especially the issue of male homosexuality in particular, that arouses such strength of feeling.

That was the focus of my previous post--that I have students--just one or two--but always one or two who appear to be gripped by immensely strong feelings over this issue. As usual, it sank without a trace. So much for Frances the peacemaker trying to turn the thread in a different direction.

For myself, I am supremely indifferent to what sexual activities people engage in. Call me "Pollyanna" but the nature of what people do physically is of far less importance than how they conduct their lives. I revere fidelity, reason tempered with loving kindness, honor, beneficence, the amelioration of suffering, and compassion, understanding and respect for all people. As a heterosexual woman, I would have more in common with a gay person who lived a life characterized by a stable relationship that I found admirable than a heterosexual whose relationships were promiscuous and exploitive.

In the sixth decade of my life, I actually find my teaching can be reduced to helping my students see the contemporary, real world applications of two statements. "Do unto others as you would have them do onto you" (empathy for "the other" and especially those who are profoundly different from you and for those who are vulnerable) and "the love of money is the root of all evil" (greed).

I may only be a non-law-professor professor, but at the risk of being seen as lecturing my "betters" I would remind both Professors Newsome and Duncan that "a soft answer turnth (this doesn't look right but we'll blame King James I, who is beyond caring) away wrath."

But I return to the not unrelated (consider how the thread degenerated into angry exchanges) question of my previous post. Why does this issue arouse such strong passions? Why is it so threatening? Sin and evil, not to mention cruelty and suffering, abound in the world, why such passion over this issue? 
Frances R. A. Paterson, J.D., Ed.D.
Associate Professor (school law)
Department of Educational Leadership
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, GA 31698
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