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Tuesday, April 20, 2004 (SF Chronicle)
BAY AREA/Committed to marriage for the masses/Polyamorists say they relate honestly to 
multiple partners
Don Lattin, Chronicle Religion Writer

   Unitarians from Boston to Berkeley have opened another front in the
liberal crusade to expand the definition of marriage and family in
   It's the new polygamy, and according to the Unitarian Universalists for
Polyamory Awareness, their relationships are at least as ethical as other
marriages -- gay or straight.
   "Polyamory is never having to say you've broken up," said Sally Amsbury of
Oakland, whose sex and love life openly includes her husband and two
"other significant others," known in polyamory parlance as "OSOs."
   Amsbury serves on the national board of directors of the Unitarian
Universalist organization, which defines polyamory as "the philosophy and
practice of loving or relating intimately to more than one other person at
a time with honesty and integrity."
   "Polyamory is not an alternative to monogamy. It's an alternative to
cheating," said Jasmine Walston, who lives in Louisville, Ky., and is
president of the Unitarian Universalists for Polyamory Awareness.
   "For some of us, monogamy doesn't work, and cheating was just abhorrent to
me," she said.
   To some, the polyamory movement is reminiscent of the "free love,"
swinging and open marriages of the 1960s and 1970s.
   AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases dampened that sexual
liberation movement in the 1980s and 1990s.
   Today, Walston said, many people mistakenly believe that polyamorists are
careless in their sex lives.
   "When everything is out in the open, and your husband knows what is going
on, you're going to be more careful about safe sex," she said.
   John Hurley, a Boston spokesman for the 183,000-member Association of
Unitarian Universalists, says the views of polyamorists are not
necessarily endorsed by the denomination's board of trustees.
   Polyamorists themselves are divided over whether to push for more formal
recognition from the Unitarians, or to begin public lobbying for some of
the same rights granted to heterosexual couples. "We're where the gay
rights movement was 30 years ago," Walston said.
   Amsbury says she favors expanding the legal definition of marriage to
include three or more people, but she doesn't expect to see it anytime
   "We're lovers, not fighters," she said. "We don't want to get people's
backs up."
   Other polyamorists are concerned that their cause will be used by
opponents of same-sex marriage.
   Just last week, a group of conservative evangelicals asked San Francisco
Mayor Gavin Newsom whether his support of same-sex marriage applied to
multiple-partner marriages.
   "What possible reason could you find for discriminating against or denying
equal access to threesomes, foursomes, etc.?" they asked in a letter to
   Rebecca Parker, the president of Starr King School for the Ministry in
Berkeley, says many Christians find polygamy even more sinful than
   Monogamous heterosexual marriage, she says, is ordained by God through the
creation of Adam and Eve.
   Even though polygamy is practiced by some of the heroes in the Bible --
and in many non-Christian cultures around the world today -- it remains a
Judeo-Christian taboo.
   Starr King is a seminary of the Association of Unitarian Universalists and
part of the Graduate Theological Union, a consortium of Protestant and
Catholic seminarians in Berkeley and Marin County.
   Unitarians -- who encourage their members to seek spiritual truth based on
human experience, not allegiance to creeds and doctrines -- have been
around since 1782. They merged with the Universalists in 1961.
   Many of the students and faculty at Starr King see the polyamory movement
as a threat to gay and lesbian couples.
   "In the Protestant denomination, the movement to accept same-sex couples
was built on the idea that they, too, can have lifelong monogamous
relationships," Parker said. "Gays and lesbians found safety in saying,
'We can have families. We're normal -- just like everyone else.' That
became the basis for them asking for social acceptance and equal
protection under the law. "
   Very few polyamorous Unitarian Universalist ministers are "out of the
closet." They fear it will wreck their chances of getting or keeping a job
with a congregation.
   Jim Zacarias, interim minister at the First Unitarian Church of
Albuquerque, recently came out to his congregation as bisexual.
   "People who choose a polyamory lifestyle in our denomination are doing it
with an ethic of responsibility in their relationships," he said. "People
in polyamory have the same struggles as people in gay and lesbian
   "Our denomination has been welcoming to gays and lesbians and
transgendered people," Zacarias said. "Bisexuals have not received the
recognition they deserve."
   "Some people in polyamory are bi, some are homosexual, some are
heterosexual. We are serving their needs," said Barb Greve, a transgender
person who likes to be called "he."
   Greve is a program associate with the Association of Unitarian
Universalists' Office of Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Concerns
in Boston
   "There are people who want to be in committed relationships -- whether
it's heterosexual marriage, same-sex marriage or polyamory -- and that
should be acknowledged religiously and legally," he said.
   According to Amsbury and other Unitarian polyamorists, most of the people
in their movement are bisexual or heterosexual.
   Amsbury is bisexual, her husband of two years is heterosexual, and her
current "other significant others" are bisexual.
   One of them, Peter, lives in West Hollywood with his boyfriend. The other
one, Conly, lives in Santa Rosa and has been her lover for seven years.
   "I wear a wedding ring for my husband," she explained, "and a bracelet for
   Though Amsbury and her husband, Terrance Roff, did not involve Peter and
Conly in their Alameda marriage ceremony, other polyamorous Unitarians
have proposed church ceremonies to bless threesomes, foursomes or
   One set of guidelines for church blessings of polyamorous partners
suggests that the officiating minister try to put people at ease by
saying, "We are from many different faith traditions, and we have many
different experiences of love. What made us say 'yes' to being here was
the love among these people."
   E-mail Don Lattin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Copyright 2004 SF Chronicle

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