Hmm. I wonder if the visceral response of various list members would be the same if:

1. Bush were requesting a Saudi imam to so speak out
2. Or an Iranian Ayatollah
3. Or the Dalai Lama
4. Or the religious leader of a pro-Israeli-settlements sect
5. Or Pat Robertson
6. Or Rev. Sinkford (head of the Unitarian Universalist Association)
7. Or the Archibishop of Cantebury
8. Or a Hindu brahmin priest
9. Or the head of the Wiccans
10. Or [fill in the blank religious leader]

It seems to me that the response has largely been not to Marty's question, but rather an illustration of the principle of the gored ox.

FWIW, I don't see anything justiciable about such an action; I don't see anything unconstitutional about it; I do see it as a bit tacky and I am uncomfortable with such mingling of church and state; and in my more cynical moments I see it as a ploy to try to sway anti-abortion Catholics to vote for Bush by use of the papacy. (Does anyone doubt that Karl Rove would think this way about this?)


On Monday, June 14, 2004, at 12:52 PM, Marty Lederman wrote:

I don't wish to become entangled in this increasingly ad hominem debate; and I suppose I regret starting the thread, seeing as how the question appears to have been willfully misconstrued and turned to other ends.  But for what it's worth, I think it should be quite obvious from my prior posts and elsewhere that my "antennae" go neither berzerk nor "bezerk" whenever public officials "act[] on [their] religious positions in the political square."  This case (as described in press reports, anyway -- I make no claim about their accuracy) obviously involves something quite beyond a public official acting in accord with his religious beliefs, no matter what one thinks of the propriety or constitutionality of the President's conduct.

Prof. Steven D. Jamar vox: 202-806-8017
Howard University School of Law fax: 202-806-8567
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